||Chapter 89-Months in Islam||

Start from the beginning

2. Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin- 18th Rabi-ul-Akhir: 725 Hijri.  Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilanee- 11th Rabi-ul-akhir: 561 Hijri passed away at the age of 90.

5. Jumada-Al-Awwal

Fifth month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning: The first month of summer. "Jumada" means dry.


1. The Battle "Moota" took place in 8 A.H.  A war against infidels in which th Holy Prophet  did not participate.  Th battle is named after a famous city in Syria (Moota).  Hadrat Zaid Ibn Haritha (R.A) was the first appointed General by the Holy Prophet

2. In the same Battle Hadrat Khalid ibn Walid (fourth general of the Battle of Moota) was proclaimed by the Holy Prophet  as being "one of the swords of Allah".

3. The Holy Prophet  married his first beloved wife; Hadrat Khadijah (R.A) 15 years prior to Prophecy.

6. Jumada-Al-Awwal

Fifth month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning: The first month of summer. "Jumada" means dry.


1. The Battle "Moota" took place in 8 A.H.  A war against infidels in which th Holy Prophet  did not participate.  Th battle is named after a famous city in Syria (Moota).  Hadrat Zaid Ibn Haritha (R.A) was the first appointed General by the Holy Prophet

2. In the same Battle Hadrat Khalid ibn Walid (fourth general of the Battle of Moota) was proclaimed by the Holy Prophet  as being "one of the swords of Allah".

3. The Holy Prophet  married his first beloved wife; Hadrat Khadijah (R.A) 15 years prior to Prophecy.

8. Jumada-Al-Thani

Sixth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning: Second month of summer.


1. Battle of Salaasil took place in 8 A.H.
2. Abu Salama (R.A) died in the year 4 A.H

9. Rajab

Seventh month of the Islamic Calendar.

Meaning:    From Rajaba "to respect".  Another one of the sacred months in which fighting was forbidden prior to Islam. This was one of the most respected months for the Arabs.  It is also called Rajab al Fard. Fard means alone; because the other three sacred months come one after another, except this month.  It comes alone not like the other 3 consecutive sacred months.


1. The Holy Prophet  ascended to Heaven on the 27th of Rajab on either Sunday or Monday (Mi'raaj).
2. Hadhrat Bilal Ibn Haritha (R.A) brought a congregation of four hundred men named Banu Muzeena in the presence of the Holy Prophet .  They all embraced Islam and became followers of the Holy Prophet  in the year 5 A.H
3. The battle of Tabook took place in the year 9 A.H. This was the last battle in which the Holy Prophet participated.
4. The second Oath of Aqabah took place in Rajab, 12

8. Shaban

Eight month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning:    Consecutively escalating.  (Undisturbed increase).  Derived from the word "shu'ba", which means branch.  The Arabs used to branch out during this month to look for water.


With the Arrival of the Shaban moon numerous blessings are showered upon us.  Just as the initiation of rainfall begins with "pitter patter" such blessings reach us in the same accord and fashion.

With the Beginning of Shaban blessings are initiated which progressively escalate so that by mid-Shaban the blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reach their peak by the end of Ramadan.

For example just as a farmer prepares for a fruitful harvest by harrowing his acreage so that the soil may readily retain water, in contrast our souls are geared by the presence of such blessings in Shaban effectively preparing us for a fruitful and completely advantageous Ramadan.
Our Holy Prophet  has said, "Shaban is my month and Ramadan the month of Allah Ta'aalaa." (Daylami)


1. "Laila-tul Baraa'at (Night of forgiveness) the fifteenth night of Shaban.
2. "Qibla", the direction to be adopted within salaah, was reverted back to the "Ka'aba" in Makkah (after being coverted to Baitul Muqaddas in Jerusalem for a short period of time).  This took place two years after Hijraah on the 15th of Shaban.
3. Fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan was made compulsory in the year 2 A.H. on the 25th of Shaban.
4. Three years A.H. Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) was joined in matrimony with the Prophet .
5. In this very month forty two years later Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) took leave from this world.
6. The birth of the Prophet's  grandson Hadhrat Hussain (R.A.) took place, four years on the fifth of Shaban.
7. The battle of Banu Mustaliq took place in Shaban.
8. During the above mentioned battle, the "Aayah of Tayammum" (Purifying with sand before salaah) was revealed, in the year 5 A.H.
9. The daughter of the beloved Prophet  Umme Kulthum (R.A.) took leave from this world, in the 9 A.H.

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