w i w o o l e ☾

Start from the beginning

Two miles down, Emerson's throat has never been more dry. He never thought it possible to be this thirty and all that's on his mind is water, rivers, oceans, even a dripping facet.

"Hey do you think we could get off the route to try and find some water?" He speaks up, doing his best to make it sound like no big deal as to not show how incredibly miserable he is.

Randy looks back, his shirt now completely off and tied around his head like a bandana making him look like he's some sort of adventurer on television. "There's nothing near here. We'll have to go for a couple more miles to find water."

"Perfect." Peter mumbles, smacking his arm effectively killing a bug.

Rosalind watches the action with slightly parted lips as she pants, sweat beaded on her forehead as she focuses on her footing. "Yeah...water would be pretty cool right now not gonna lie." She licks her dry lips.

"Well let's move faster and we'll find it sooner." Randy tells them with a sigh, holding up the radio as it statics.

"Could you shut that thing off?" Peter grunts angrily, a scowl on his face.

Randy looks at him like he's a straight up idiot before barking, "Yeah because this isn't why we're walking ten miles!" Sarcasm drops from each word, "Seriously, why can't you shut up and stop complaining long enough for me to not want to kick you in the face?"

This seems to set Peter over the edge, his face reddening with anger. "You know what I think, Randy? You're a putz who can't keep a girlfriend and steals promotions right from underneath people far more deserving than you!"

Everyone falls silent as Peter pants angrily, his outburst making the veins in his neck pop. Rosalind and Emerson share a look of confusion, a laugh bubbling up in his chest as he tries his best to hold it back. Rosalind smirks a little before dropping his gaze and staring at her feet.

"Oh I'm a putz? You're the one who was late to work seven times in the last two months! Not to mention all of the staff meetings you've missed. That's probably why your parachute didn't work, you dolt." Randy mumbles the last part.

When Randy's shoulders are harshly grabbed to face Peter, Emerson comes to a halt and quickly reaches for Rosalind to pull her out of the way. "What did you say?" Peter hisses with his finger pointed at his face.

"Oh come on. This is all your fault! That's what we're all thinking!" Randy looks to us for confirming, making Emerson uncomfortable.

"Uh...I'm not thinking that." Emerson mumbles, scratching the back of his head when Peter's angry eyes are latched onto him.

"Yeah...me neither." Rosalind says non-convincingly.

After a moments hesitation and one last glare at Randy, Peter shoves him away and continues on his way, walking at a faster pace as to get as far from his coworker as possible.

Randy smiles mischievously. "Finally. Now he's moving at a good pace." He winks at Rosalind before jogging ahead.

"Was that on purpose or...?" She mumbles.

"I have no idea."


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