Wrong Name Blues

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As was known by the whole town that FP loved another woman, and yet he was remarrying his wife, Gladys. Everyone knew that FP loved someone; including his wife. So it shouldn't been such a shock when it happened that day. She should've expected this to happen.

Alice walked in that fateful day, stalling her eyes leaking the painful tears as she sat in a chair waiting for the couple to be re-announced as Husband & Wife.

She couldn't believe FP was remarrying Gladys again. After she tore his heart out, stomping it on the ground when she left the first time. And just like that; she waltzed right back into his arms. That wasn't what bothered her the most.

What did bother her the most you may ask? Well that question has many answers. But, I'll simplify for you.

Years before Gladys stole FP from her, they were a couple themselves. Both were born and raised on the south side. To this day it hurts to see him marry another woman. Why? Because it should've been her. It was her dream, destiny and she longed for that back.

Even if it was just once more. She felt as if she was Rachel marrying Emily from Friends. She and FP had history. And when she got the invitation. Her world shattered beneath her and heart became unsettled with pain and bristled.

It should've been me.

It should be me at that alter.

It should be... it should be... me kissing his lips and marrying him again.

The music began to play elegantly although she wanted to smash the pianist's delicate, yet graceful fingers. She shifted her head, pivoting her legs against her chair and a shaky gasp broke  from her lips.

Damn that bride.

It should've been me in that fucking dress.

Oh my Betty looks gorgeous in that dress.

It should've been my wedding.

Gladys walks down the aisle, smiling her witch teeth. Oh what was she kidding, Gladys's teeth were perfect. Just like her.

I hope she trips and falls onto her face.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." She heard the minster utter briefly before continuing the ceremony.

I don't.

He should be marrying me!

Please end my misery.

FP looks at Gladys, forcing a smile. He can do this. He knows in his gut that this isn't what he wants. Jughead notices a forced smile entering his father's face and it pains him. He knows his father loves Alice and everybody knows too.

The only person who doesn't know is my dad.

My god he can be quite blind at times.

Please don't marry mom again.

Gladys brightly smiles at the minister," I thee Gladys take thee FP." Jughead can't stand this any longer. He knows Alice is about to cry. Even Betty wishes this misery would end; preferably with her mom going with FP.

FP listens to the pastor's words and opens his mouth," I thee FP take thee Alice." He gasps, quickly correcting himself. " Gladys." Her face turned dim and furry marks her eyes.

"Shall I go on?"

Please no.

Alice gasps, did he just say her name? Oh my god! He did! Betty turns to look at her mom's reaction and tries to hide a smile. Alice couldn't believe her ears.

"I thee FP—" He waved his hands," I'm sorry I can't."

Gladys eyes widened in shock," Why?"

She can't believe she's daring to ask the question she'd already knew the answer to. She wasn't blind. She knew FP loves Alice and it always has been.

FP looked down at her, then at the room and back at her. He knew he was about to shatter Gladys, but he couldn't live  another lie again. It almost killed him last time he didn't listen to his heart, brain and gut.

"Because, I love Alice." He said walking off the alter, slowly approaching her.

Alice's heart was beating several seconds faster each step closer he got to her. FP stood in front of, with eyes burning into his back; some very furious ones. Without turning his back; he knew.

It was Gladys, her parents and friends of Gladys. The room filled with gasps as he opened his mouth," Al, I love you so much and that's why I can't marry Gladys."

She was speculating what to say in her head. He just confessed his feelings for her and she can't lie. He literally, literally told her in front a whole wedding guest party and Gladys.

"I love you too, FP." She confesses, looking into his brown orbitals.

He leaned in closer, capturing her lips with his, the room erupted with exhilaration. They've been waiting for years, months, hours or what seemed like entirety for them to get back together.

Who knew saying the wrong name could be the best thing ever? Apparently everyone in that room. FP's mistake helped Gladys in the long-run.

How you'll ask? Well that's just say another person had an eye on her for quite along time. Hiram Lodge who recently just realized that his marriage was flaking out, because his wife loved Fred Andrews.

"May I have a dance?" Hiram asked Gladys as she waited for a taxi.

Gladys almost laughed," It's raining and I'm waiting for a taxi home and away from my disastrous-left-at-the-alter wedding." She responded bluntly.

"And so? You can sulk at a hotel, crying over your failed wedding or you could dance with me and may get a drink. It's your choice." Hiram charmed his dazzling smile.

"Alright, lets dance and go for that drink." And the rest was history as Gladys took his hand and left.

Alice caught the sight and couldn't believe it, FP chuckled and smiled," I knew he always had a thing for my wife."

Alice smacked his arm," Ex-wife." She corrected. FP smiles at her and kisses her nose," Yes and maybe us next?"

"Whoa slow your role, Buddy. You just left Gladys at the alter. One step at a time, okay?"

"Fine, but someday I'll make you my wife." And he really meant it.

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