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"listen, you are so stupid."

hana scolded junho who was now sitting in front of her, wincing in pain as hana pressed on the injured part of his hands. honestly, he could have just said a word instead of using his hands to block the door.

"and you are so stubborn." he replied after a few seconds of silence. hana looked up and glared at him in the middle of bandaging his hand. of all things, she hated being called stubborn the most and this guy just had to do it on the worst timing.

as payback, she tightened the bandage that it made junho jolt up in agony as she wore a satisfactory smile on her lips.

"ouch— at least be gentle!"

"i'm not stubborn!" she defended.

junho smirked at her which annoyed her more, until she suddenly realized something, causing her to shove his hands away and stand up from her seat.

"why are you even here anyways? your girlfriend might be worried about you."

junho was puzzled as he stood up, "what?"

"your girlfriend. you didn't even tell me about it. were you giving me false hope all this time?" she had her palm on her waist, but her heart clenched at the mere thought of him with someone else and she didn't even know why.

"and who told you that?"

hana didn't say a word. junho just looked down and chuckled silently which made hana so confused, but right then and there she just wanted to slap the latter for having the urge to laugh about something she found so serious.

"so this is why you're mad."

hana snapped back, "and if it is? don't even laugh, or i'm going to punch you to death." she threatened when in reality she couldn't even reach his beautiful face due to their height difference.

"no, i just.." junho started, finally looking up to meet hana's eyes, "i don't have a girlfriend, hana."

she blinked, "what?"

hana's eyebrows furrowed in surprise, but the words that came out of his mouth for some reason made her feel better. but if he didn't have a girlfriend, then why did he say he did?

"but i heard you say—"

"it's because i couldn't give my number to them, so i insisted about having a girlfriend." junho explained, and deep inside him he was relieved that the sadness in hana's eyes was gone now.

hana's mouth open and closed, she was trying to loathe him all along for something that wasn't even true. okay, she admits now that maybe she had a bit of stubbornness in her. just a bit.

"so, you don't have a girlfriend?"

junho sighed and put his hands on the pockets of his hoodie, heading to the doorstep and leaving a confused hana behind. he just couldn't take her so seriously with her being cute and all, and it was such a fun thing to tease her.

hana immediately stood up from her seat and blocked the door to prevent junho from getting out without giving her the answer, "you don't have one, right?"

"no, i don't." junho leaned closer to her, his eyes staring right into her soul as he continued, "not yet."


this chapter was so long and idk how it only took
me a few minutes to write this, i feel like i'm getting
a little bit more confident with my writing now haH
stay hydrated !! — nomnom

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