chapter thirty-eight

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A number of hours had passed since Luffy's meltdown, and he was now sitting in his usual place atop the Lion's head. The sun was sinking slowly over the horizon, bathing the Thousand Sunny in its vibrant orange light. He had yet to apologize to Usopp for shoving him earlier, and occasionally would sneak a glance at his best friend, who was playing with Chopper at the moment, but guilt would force him to duck his head in guilt.

After the fifth or sixth glance, Luffy reached up and attempted to pull his absent straw-hat down over his face. He hummed to himself, realizing Nami was still wearing it, sighed, leaned back, and stared at the sky, watching the pink and white clouds above him float by.

Brook was playing a soft tune on his violin somewhere nearby, and had Luffy been paying attention, the nineteen-year-old would have noticed that the skeleton man was singing about his Captain's return to the crew. Sabo's voice carried on the breeze, but what he was saying wasn't decipherable. Whatever it was that he said, it must have been hilarious, because soon after Luffy heard Sabo, Ace's laugh followed.

The boy smiled. It was nice, hearing that laugh again. It reminded him of when they were kids, and things were a lot simpler. Luffy's heart squeezed, and tears pricked the corner of his eyes. He quickly blinked them away, and visualized himself shoving his emotions in a wooden box and chucking the box into the ocean. He shook his head for good measure, and sat back up.

Somewhere across the lawn, Sanji called for dinner, and Luffy sighed again as he hopped down onto the deck of the ship. As he shuffled across the lawn, he noticed Robin and Zoro exit the Men's Quarters together, their clothes and hair rumpled, while Robin was trying to smooth herself out. Luffy met Zoro's eye, and the swordsman froze, surprise evident on his face. Luffy said nothing, only quirked an eyebrow and turned to hop into the dining room.

Once everyone was seated at the table, Sanji began serving food. Of course, the ladies were first, but Luffy didn't mind. He smiled at his chef when it was his turn to be served, and his heart swelled when his chef grinned back. Later in the meal, while everyone else was engaged in conversation, Luffy met his swordsman's eye from across the table, and raised both of his eyebrows in question. Zoro gave him an odd look in response. Luffy, thinking maybe Zoro didn't understand what exactly Luffy meant by his silent question, quickly cut his eyes toward Robin, who was chuckling softly at Chopper's antics. Again, Zoro gave him the same odd look. The Captain shrugged and continued eating.

After dinner, as Luffy was walking towards the Sleeping Quarters, Zoro grabbed his elbow.

"Luffy," he began, sounding somewhat nervous, "earlier, when Robin and I were walking together..." Luffy quirked an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "We were just... um, talking. About... workouts! Workouts," he finished, uncertainty evident in his voice. Luffy fought the urge to laugh, and kept his face stony.

"You were talking about... workouts. In the Sleeping Quarters." Zoro's nervous smile fell a little.

"Um, yes. We were discussing workouts in... in the Sleeping Quarters, yes." Luffy rolled his eyes.

"Zoro, you can just tell me you two were having sex. I'm not stupid." Zoro's smile completely fell, and he paled. "Just stay out of my bed," the brunette laughed, patting his friend on the shoulder. Zoro's color returned, and the slightest shade of pink appeared on his face. He also started laughing, relief washing over him.

"You're not upset?" he asked seriously, after a moment. Luffy gave him a look.

"Why would I be upset? I just want my crew to be happy. If you find happiness with each other then I don't mind. Again, just stay out of my bed. And the dining room," he added after a moment of thought. "Do not contaminate the place where I eat," he finished, pointing a finger. Zoro laughed.

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