chapter seven

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Most of the ship was now asleep.

Luffy, as per usual, was wide awake, and wandering around quietly. His brain buzzed with thoughts of his big brothers. He kept replaying the memories of his childhood.

He sighed as he leaned against the railing.

"What're you doing up?" Zoro asked from behind him. Luffy suddenly remembered that it was his night to keep watch.

"Couldn't sleep," he answered simply. Zoro nodded and joined his captain's side. They spent a long time just standing there, looking out at the calm sea.

"So," the swordsman began, "Do you have feelings for Nami?" At the shocked and embarrassed expression the captain made, he added, "I saw you two from the kitchen ladder." Luffy sighed again.


"Do you like her?"

"I think... I think it's stronger than 'like'. I 'like' you and the rest of the crew like I 'like' sleep. I... I enjoy spending time with her. I love making her smile and laugh. I love the way she talks, and the faces she makes. I love when she scrunches her nose when she's concentrating or concerned. I love when her temper flares. I love when she giggles and snorts. I love the way she does everything. I love..." the boy paused to think. "I love... her." Zoro's eyes went wide and he gaped at his captain, whose face had now flushed, and he was very glad that it was a very bright night, for the moon bathed everything in silver.

"I... honestly didn't know you knew what that was." Luffy chuckled.

"I know a lot of things. I just pretend I don't." Zoro stared at the younger boy, but smiled eventually.

"Heh, only you, Luffy," the man laughed. The dark haired boy eventually joined in the quiet laughter.

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