A friend in need (1)

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Pam! Pam! Pam! The women pounding flowed with the chatters of children as the sun made way to sit on it's throne.

At the river bank daughters sat, sang and danced as they fetched water for their homes. The men had already set out to haunt and all the boys were out running errands.

At the edge of the village. A man lead a flock of sheep to graze on the fresh grass. Next to him a boy skipped happily, patting the sheep's and helping the lambs find tasty green grass.

"Aaaaaaaaeeeeee don't leave without me" komal cried running across the fields towards them, the shepherd dog tore the wind next to her.
Yasar rolled his eyes "can't you act more like a girl". komal heard him and frowned "how am I not a girl?.

He pointed at her legs " you don't even wear shoes! And your skirt is way above your ankle!" He picked up a tiny lamb and walked away "not to mention you don't ever brade or cover your hair!"

Yasar is a very fussy 11 year old. He is very particular about how everything and everyone should be. That aside, he can be a complete sweetheart when he wants.

His big glossy eyes and small mouth on his soft puffy cheeked face made him look like a girl that's why he made sure his wavy hair was always short.

Komal pouted and stomped her feet. Why did she have to be a girl? It just wasn't fair! She hated being reminded to act like a lady. She glared at Yasar.

'He thinks that the whole of Africa is his! And just because baba put him in charge of gathering the sheeps.'

'I will teach you a lesson!'

Komal strolled to the middle of the flock and cleared her throat. She slapped a sheep's behind.

The sheep let out a screeching cry "BAAAAAAaa"
and they all scattered. Yasar's face turned pale.

Komal let out a satisfied hmph and strolled passed him flipping her beautiful long shiny black wavy hair.

Baba stared at her with arms akimbo "what did I tell you about causing trouble"

Komal lowered her head and stared at her uncovered feet. She sighed "That good people should never cause trouble for other people" baba nodded and stared ahead.


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