" I didn't want to hurt you."

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It had been so long since Kei had cried for the last time, that Kaito had almost forgotten.

Memories from when they were children flashed through his mind: and so did through Kei's.

We barely recall bout' the day we've met....
Young Kei pov :
I was on my own playing at the the pavement before my house.
I took a small walk as I got lost in my own world. I used to do that a lot as an escape from reality.
Slowly but surely, I descended.
A little further away. I do not know exactly how far from my house, {sorry for that.} I noticed a boy with a sun hat stood on the other side.
He must have been around my age, although, he was a little taller than me.
The boy picked blackberries from the bush near a house, holding all of them in one hand.
He seemed kind.. I kept looking for a while and decided I wanted to go closer
I tried to cross the street carefully.

Our eyes met each other.
We looked wondering in each others eyes.
I hardly dared say anything.
As shy as I was, so openly he were... "hello there" he said sweetly ..
I hid my blushing face and said very gently ...: hi

Kai pov:
"Hey are you okay? An ill person shouldn't be outside" I said to the black haired boy. His face was turning red as if he had a fever.

{"He already thinks I am weird."
why do I try to talk, anyways?
Kei thought.}

I noticed that the raven made a gesture to leave.. about to walk away from me. but, I wanted to talk with him.

"Hey-" I was crossing the street but was about to get ran over. I waited for another car to go pass till I could cross the road. "Hey do you want some berries?" I ran over to the Raven boy.
"I hand picked them myself." I gave a wholesome smile to the boy, who seemed to have a fever since he was becoming more red.
"Hey are you okay? You look like you have a really bad fever." I placed my empty hand on his cheek.

Kei pov :

"The touch of his hand felt nice. I wasn't use to human interactions and didn't reply at first.
I don't know how to interact, usually people ignore me.

" I am fine, really..."I said in a soft tone. Finally, after a minute that felt like hours in my head.

"Mmmmm, you don't seem fine." the boy pouted. He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me somewhere.

"Hey wha-"
"Let's go to my hideout, I have some stuff to help you get better."
He interrupted me. He was already on his way to the hideout taking me with him, and I could barely keep up with him...
" I don't even know..... who you are......"

"Kaito. My names Kaito, but you can call me Kai." He gave me a huge smile. "What's yours?" He asked.

I fell over a tree root protruding above the ground, I scrambled to my feet.
I wasn't even paying attention to my bleeding knees. Kai had something distracting me, from my pain my surroundings, all of it...

"I....my name... it's Kei ..."

Kai pov :

."H-hey are you okay?!" I said in concern. He looked like he was in slot of pain and tried to keep it. "Yeah I'm fine." I knew he was lying but I carried on walking to the hideout anyways. "I have bandages and stuff there, I'll tend to your knees"
Kei followed me in silence...
My words seemed to amaze him, like I said something special; but why?

"We're here" I said to him. It was a shrine in the forest. There's an abandoned little building close to it which is my hideout. I've decorated it slightly too. A few cushions and food. Also a few blankets. I spend a lot of my time here, it's like my home.

"That sounds nice..."
Kei could only dream of having a secret place... so he could be away from home.
He followed Kai inside of it. It wasn't much, but still. It had a certain warmth.

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