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Yoongi POV

I literally stalked Y/N every single day, just to make sure she's safe. I love bringing over my camera so I can snap photos of her. I might sound crazy, but I love her too much.

I snapped a photo and realized that she woke up. I quickly hid on the side walls, and luckily she didn't notice me.

I walked away to my apartment, which was near her old one. Guess I'll have to move again.

End of POV

I woke up, feeling tired and overwhelmed, but I was okay. I did my normal routine and left the house to the clinic.

I entered, signed in, and sat at the computer in the main office.

After a while, I saw that Yoongi also was working the morning shift, and decided to sit next to me.

'It wouldn't hurt to talk to him."


Yoongi looked surprised, but he replied.


"My names Y/N, I already know yours!"


"Your name's Yoongi, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

We introduced ourselves, and surprisingly, we almost shared the same the same things. We then got a chance to exchange numbers before I was called to check patients.

"My number is ***-***-****!"

"Okay, Thanks Yoongi! See you later!"

I quickly went to the rooms and got to work.

Yoongi POV

I checked in for work, and saw Y/N. I wanted to sit next to her. I quickly checked in and sat next to her.

After a while, she spoke to me! I was excited, so I replied. It was one of the happiest moments of my life!

She then was called in, so she asked for my number. I gave it to her, and with that, she left.

I wanted to text her, but that's for break.

Anyways, I didn't get a chance to kill Jungkook last night. His family visited him, so that ruined everything.

*sigh* And now I was called in, great.

End of POV

I was struggling with one patient and her child. I checked the child's history and noticed that he had to be vaccinated. I told the mother that and she was upset.

She was an anti-vaxxer.

She told me that I was trying to kill her child so I can paid for it. I wanted to slap her into tomorrow, but I kept my cool and called someone in to replace me.

It was a problem to have them here, but we dealt with it anyways.

Soon enough, it was break. Sadly, Hoseok had to stay home because he overslept, again. I was used to it, so I sat alone.

I heard someone call my name, it was Jae-hyuk. I walked over and recognized Jungkook and Yoongi.

I greeted everyone and sat down.

"So, Jungkook," Jae-hyuk asked.

Jungkook was so red, I thought he had a fever because of my logic. I checked his forehead, he looked like he was about to pass out from being too red.

"Don't pass out on me! I care for you!" I flashed a warm smile at him.

Jungkook looked like he was going to pass out, so I told him to calm down and just talked with the group.

Yoongi POV

Jae-Hyuk called Y/N, and she stood up and walked over to us. She greeted up and gave us a warm smile.

The problem was that she sat right next to Jungkook, my sanity level was getting too low. But somehow, I kept myself from showing it. I didn't want Y/N to know I kill people, the she'd hate me. I don't want that to happen.

Jungkook was turning too red, Y/N checked his forehead. At that point, I felt like throwing my glass container at his head.

Jungkook was about to pass out so Y/N quickly told him to calm down and turned to us to talk. I was glad she looked away from him, I was just about to reveal myself to everyone.

I talked to Y/N a bit, but she had to leave earlier because she had a critical patient to see.

I wish I talked to her more...

End of POV

I talked to everyone and then excused myself to leave because I had to see a critical patient.

I rushed to the main office, grabbed my clipboard, and rushed to room **.

Once I made it there, I hung up the occupied tag and greeted myself and closed the door.

The patient greeted himself, I immediately recognized the person.

It was Jimin...

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