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'Hi' = Thoughts
"Hi" = Talking
"Hi" = What's going on

Yoongi POV

Sh-she talked to me.

Y/N finally noticed me! I can't believe it!!

I thought that ever since that day, I thought we were going to get closer, but I was wrong.

Soon after she replied to me, she ran to my coworker Hoseok and hugged him.

The next thing I knew, my sanity level was getting lower as I was in the verge of killing him tonight.

Y/N thanked Hoseok for helping her spread the gossip, so I quickly found out that they were just friends. Since I was upset, I forgot that Hoseok was gay.

Anyways, my supposed friend Jungkook shyly walked past Y/N and glanced at her in a romantic way. He's going to be my next target.

End of POV

"Thanks Hoseok for helping me ruin his reputation!"

"No problem! Now there's something to talk about here. The atmosphere was kinda dull anyways."



As I was walking away, I noticed a shy boy walk past me and glance at me in a romantic way.

'Maybe that's Jungkook, that boy Hoseok was talking about.'

'It wouldn't hurt to talk to him.'

I quickly headed to the main office to pick up my clipboard and head to the first room of the day.

Once I make it, I hang up the occupied tag and entered the room.

As normal, I greeted my self and closed the door behind me. But once I did that, the patient didn't say anything.

I turned towards the person and immediately recognized who it was. Minsaki...

"So, what are you here for?"

"I need an ultrasound."

"Okay, I'll call the nurse now."

Once the nurse arrived with the equipment, I prepared Minsaki for the ultrasound.

After a while of checking, she was 3 weeks pregnant.


"Congratulations! You're 3 weeks pregnant!"


"Who's the father?"

"I've only slept with Jimin, so he's the father..."

"Well then, thank you for coming to Lee Clinic! And good luck with the baby!"

And with that, I left the room and sighed.

I've always wanted to have a child with Jimin, but I gave up hope since of their "secret" relationship.

I just walked to the main office and place my clipboard where it belongs and sat at the computer to type up Minsaki's information.

Then, I visited other patients until it was break time. I went over to Hoseok and we talked about Jimin and how I saw Minsaki at the clinic.

"Damn! She's pregnant with your ex!"

"Yeah, it's gonna be hard to provide for the child."

"Don't worry girl! I'm texting everyone the news!"

"Okay, I'll go get some cola for us!"

"Sprite for me please!!"

'Like always.'

As I was walking over to the vending machine, I noticed that Jungkook was behind me. I decided to get the sodas, talk to him, then go back to Hoseok and tell him what happened.

I paid for the sodas and waited for Jungkook to pay for his. Once he did, I greeted him.


"Ah- Hey..."

"You're Jungkook, right?"


He started to mumble a bit, so I told him to not get nervous because I wasn't a threat.

We introduced ourselves and got a chance to exchange numbers.

"My number? Sure! It's ***-***-****!"

"Thanks! See you later!"

"Y-You too!"

I rushed up to Hoseok and told him everything about him.

"His ears were so red when I was talking to him! I think you're right about liking him liking me!"

"See? I told you, you just didn't want to believe me!"

Jungkook POV

I walked back to my table of friends, happily inside.

"What took you so long?"

My friend Changwoo asked me that.

"I- I talked to her..."

The whole table erupted to cheers and everyone looked at us, even Y/N.

Sh-Sh smiled at me... She really did!

"So? Tell us!!" My other friend Jae-hyuk asked.

I told them everything that happened, and they went crazy when I mentioned that we exchanged numbers.

Except, that Yoongi, my other friend, looked upset at me. I just shrugged it off and just continued to explain to the table.

End of POV

Yoongi POV

I sat there, listening to Jungkook happily say that Y/N and him exchanged numbers and got to know each other.

The more he talked about her, the more upset I got. Soon enough, I headed straight to the bathroom to calm my sanity level. I was on the verge of killing him, but that's for tonight.

'I can't wait to kill him, then she'll be all mine...'

End of POV

The day ended with me visiting a total of over 50 patients. I was expecting more, but it's okay.

I then headed over to Hoseok and we went home. On the way home, we talked about our day and the weirdest things.

Once we arrived, I quickly changed clothes and took a nap while Hoseok made dinner.

I woke up to the sound of a camera flashing. I got up and checked the windows, but no one was there.

'Maybe it's just my imagination.'

I headed downstairs and saw that Hoseok was lying on the couch, asleep.

I smiled and headed to the kitchen to eat what he prepared. It wasn't that good, but hey, it was food.

I brushed my teeth and went to sleep early since I had to work the morning shift tomorrow, which starts at 6:00 AM. It's now 7:41 PM.

Might as well pass out too!

Okay, I've written too much, gotta go do homework!!

~ Min💜

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