"Okay all caught up on Alien Gladiators great movies but they're missing one thing, Space Dog." Adam said. "Space Dog?" Chase asked.

"Yeah he'd be the perfect companion plus in space after he does his buisness it just floats away." Adam said. "Hey guys sorry I'm late." Caitlyn said all of a sudden.

"We weren't waiting for you." Bree said and I nodded. "Back off Bree it's been a bad day." Caitlyn said. "Cool fire staff are you guys going to the convention tommorow too?" She asked.

"Yup we're even dressing up in character I'm going as Gigabit half robot half human." Chase said acting like a robot and I face palmed.

"And I'm going as Prince Landor handsome, yet brave, yet handsome." Leo said while spinning his fire staff.

"Well I will be going as the beautiful Queen Andromeda." Bree said. "Really you? Well it is a fantasy world." Caitlyn said and looked at me.

"I'm going as the beautiful and brave Princess Olivia." I said. "Yup it really is a fantasy world." Caitlyn said while walking away and I stood there with my mouth opened.

"We really need new friends." Bree said and I nodded. "Watch the glow stick circus soo lame." Perry said. "Sorry Principal Perry just getting my morph on there's an Alien Gladiators convention tommorow-"

"Blah blah blah I hate all that morph stuff." She continued. "But Alien Gladiators rule." Leo said. "No I rule that's why I'm confiscating this stick no weapons allowed on school grounds." Perry said.

"But I need this for the fire staff competition." Leo said trying to pull it away from Perry. "And I need it to unclog my toilet." She said while walking away.


(Oh and Dani's costume pretend it's not opened on the sides it's closed and she's wearing gold heels)

"Please sign my pettition to get Space Dog in the next Alien Gladiators he'll make a solid edition to the team bark my words." Adam said. "So cheesy." I thought.

"Will you leave people alone nobody cares about Space Dog and you look ridicoulous in that thing." Chase said while taking off his helmet, mask or whatever.

"Space Dog isn't consulted in looks Space Dog only protects." Adam said. "Ooh there's the line for the autograph singing I brought my action figure carrying case for Prince Landor and Prince Keaton to sign." Chase said.

"Don't you mean Andre Eithier?" Bree asked. "And don't you mean Dylan O' Brien?" I asked. "No I mean Prince Landor and Prince Keaton who would want a baseball player's and an actor's autograph?" Chase asked.

"You know what Prince Landor needs is a-" Adam started saying but got cut off by Chase. "If you even mention Space Dog to Prince Landor or Prince Keaton I will roll up the windows on the spaceship and park you in the sun." Chase said.

"Harsh much." I said. "He's turning into you." Bree said in a scared voice. "Well he does learn from the best." I said.


"Just a few more minutes just a few more minutes!" Chase said excitedly. "You have been saying that for the past two hours how long until you stop talking." Bree said annoyed.

"Just a few more minutes." Chase said. "Hey I'm happy we've all had all this time in line it's given me a chance to collect signatures for my space dog petition so far

I have space dog and Adam Davenport." Adam said and I rolled my eyes seriously he will not get any signatures by the time this is over. "Hey guys great costumes." Caitlyn said walking up to us.

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