Let Us Pray

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February 14th: 1891

Our Father...

The mission should not have gone like this. It was so simple, yet so familiar. The same thing happened with your best friend, didn't it? Such a simple mission with an easy target. That's what you told me anyway.

Who art in Heaven...

You told me earlier today that this is the last person on your list. What ever happens afterwards, your mission will be complete. The souls of the sinners going down to Hell. If I am lucky, my love, you will be joining them soon.

Hallowed be thy name;

I prayed to God that this mission is successful. I remembered all the times I prayed to our Lord Father up in Heaven, begging him for success, for good health, for guidance and for strength. I prayed my rosary every night. I spoke the Our Lady prayer with pride. I changed the Our Father with an unrivalled determination.

Thy Kingdom come....

I know I love you Jack; you know it too. However, as you know I will not be led astray from my mission. For peace to be returned to London, for the souls of those you have wrongfully killed, for the safe passage of my mother's soul to the divine heavens, I must kill you Jack.

Thy will be done.....

With this in mind, I turned to you. I stood behind you as I watched you kill your last victim. You have not started slashing at her body yet, she isn't fully dead. I believe you wanted to drag out her demise, you told me this is the woman who killed you friend.  That is fair enough, I will let you avenge your friends soul. If I didn't I would be a hypocrite. As soon as she was dead, I took my move.

On Earth as it is in Heaven....

I silently prayed to God for strength, for this was the hardest thing I would ever have to do. I took my knife and held it my left hand. I'm surprised you didn't notice the gleam it shone off in the moonlight. Silently, I moved closer to you. My determination comforted me like a blanket. It kept me warm despite knowing what I was about to do.

Give us this day....

You noticed my approach, of course. You stood slowly, glancing over your shoulder. I can tell that your curious to my movements, but that thought went away as you smiled. Not the smirk I was so used to seeing. A real smile. You came over to me, your smile stalling my actions. Your hands hugged my hips as you leaned your noble features towards my own. Midnight blue eyes, reflecting the moon above us, devoured my own gaze, capturing my nature coloured orbs in their trap.

Our daily bread.....

Our monochrome masquerade disturbed only by the colours of our eyes. As your lips crashed into mine, devouring them. Forcing the coloured orbs to escape from us as they barricades themselves in bliss. The blood of your last victim, previously staining your clothes, felt wet under my hand. An image of the so very near future. A prophecy that neither of us can ignore.

And forgive us our trespasses....

Jack, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.

"I love you Jack"

My whispered truth, forged out of passion, prayed your eyes open. Your response moved my heart, flooded it with guilt and remorse. We both know our missions. Yet your proclamation of your love for myself only made this harder on me.

"You finished your mission Jack, I'm so happy for you"

You smiled wider, you were so happy. Did you think I'd wait? Or did you think I'd given up on my mission. You are mine, Jack, and losing you is going to break my heart. I will always remember you. Perhaps that will be my punishment, sometimes memories are the worst form of torture.

As we forgive those....

"I forgive you"

I whispered to you, so afraid that somebody would hear it. You smiled down at me once more, you claimed you don't deserve it. And you are right, but still, my heart forgives you. Perhaps you thought I would not go through with it, for you could tell I had truly forgiven you.

Oh my love, I may have forgiven you, but God has not.

I am merely his messenger, his soldier to command.  I may play the White Queen in our little game, Jack. You have forgotten, haven't you? In your role as the Black King, you forgot about the hand that plays us. This is our checkmate. Gods power play move. It's time for our game to End.

Who trespass against us....

I lent closer to you. I reached my hand up to your neck, cupping it and bringing it towards me once more. I plunged us into a final passion play.

In an attempt to distract you from my hands, I massaged your neck with my hand. Within the gasp of breath you allowed me, I begged for your forgiveness. This confused you and it showed, yet I could feel the gasp in your breath as I delivered my blow.

I stabbed you.

My breath broke as I felt you recoil. The tears fell down my face as you looked me, shock drowning your beautiful noble features.

Your knees buckled causing your decent to the ground. I steadied you, cradling your head to my chest.

The barricade I built around my emotions collapsed as floods of tears deceased onto your face like rain.

Where you once looked shocked, you now understood.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry"

You knew I didn't have a choice, I had allowed you to complete your mission, just as I had promised. I never planned to give you my heart. Yet you stole it from me.

And lead us not into temptation....
You reached your hand up to stoke my cheek. Your final words etched themselves into my soul.

"I forgive you and I love you"

Your hand fell and you were gone.

But deliver us from evil....


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