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September 5th 1888
After the rise of murdered prostitutes, police have finally began to question those in the area.

After a detailed, and lengthy, investigation police officers record information on a mysterious character called "Leather Apron"

Apparently, this mysterious man had been taking money off of the prostitutes for years!

This is all just speculations of course as there is no way to prove who this "Leather Apron" man is.

The people of London are advised to be vigilant in their day to day life. Exercise caution while walking through alleyways.

That's all for today's news.

September 8th 1888


Last night a woman by the name of Annie Chapman was murdered.

Her body was discovered in the backyard of a house on Hanbury Street, believed to be house number 29.

This poor woman's murder is not your standard murder, ladies and gentlemen.

This murder is said to be commited by the mysterious "Leather Apron"

September 10th 1888


Possible 'Leather Apron' suspect was arrested, however alibis were provided and he was released.

Who is the mysterious man?

September 30th 1888


Leather Apron strikes again, in a double bill!

Body of Elizabeth Stide found in Berner Street.

Later on that night the body of Catherine Eddows is discovered in Mitre Square.

New police force, the City of London Police, joins the hunt for the murderer.

Once more, please exercise caution while commuting.

October 1st 1888


Central News Agency receives a letter addressed to "The Boss"

Who is this mysterious Boss?
The biggest question we have, is the 'Leather Apron' the one who wrote this letter.

Police officers seem to think so as the signed 'Jack the Ripper' self proclaimed title fits the murder style.

October 16th 1888

Mr George Lusk received a rather disturbing letter.

Titled 'FROM HELL' the letter was accompanied by a half a human kidney!

Speculation believes that the kidney belonged to recent Jack the Ripper victim Catherine Eddowes.

November 9th 1888


Body of Mary Kelly is found dead in her room at 13 Millers Court.

When will Jack the Ripper stop killing these women?!

July 17th 1888

Adding names to the long list of murders that have accused recently pains us all.

Whether this murder was one of the Jack the Ripper's accomplishments or not has yet to be confirmed. However several police officers and investigators believed that the murder of Alice McKenzie, found in Castle Ally, is another one of Jack the Ripper many victims, despite the lack of mutilation that Jack the Ripper has been known for.

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