Christmas Morning

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Dean: "Hey," you whispered in Dean's ear, smiling at him.

"Hey," he said softly, yawning a little. He'd already been awake.
"Been up long?"

He shook his head with a small smile. "Just long enough to get this." He handed you a small box wrapped in newspaper. You smiled a little, sitting up to unwrap it. Inside was pair of diamond earrings. "Charlie helped me pick them out."

You smiled. "I love them."

"You do?" You smiled at him, leaning forward to kiss him.

"Of course. Thanks, babe."
Instead of saying anything, he smiled and kissed you again.

Sam: You woke up slowly to the sound of someone singing softly. "Sam?" you asked, and you sat up when you realized he wasn't in bed.

You smiled. Your whole room in the bunker was decorated for Christmas. A small, fake tree was sitting on the table surrounded by small wrapped presents, including the ones from you to him he must've found. Mistletoe hung above the door. The singing was coming from a small CD player on the nightstand. Christmas lights were hung around the room, giving it a warm feeling.

You stopped marveling when Sam came in. "Morning," he said with a small smile, closing the door and sitting the tray of breakfast down on the bed and sitting beside you. "Do you like it?"

You smiled, nodding. "I love it," you said. You'd both grown up in hunting, but you'd never done anything for Christmas. Less than he had done.

"I'm glad," he said with a smile, putting the tray over your laps. "Eat up. I made candy cane pancakes."

You laughed a little. "Thanks, Sammy."
He smiled, kissing your cheek. "You're welcome."

Cas: "(Y/N)?"

Your eyes opened slowly. Cas was holding a present in front of your face. "What's this?" you said, sitting up against the headboard.

"A gift. Dean helped me pick it out," he said, sitting beside you.

You opened it. Inside was a diamond
necklace. You smiled at him. "It's beautiful," you said.

"I thought you would like it. Dean said it was a good gift."

"He was right."

Cas smiled at you, leaning to kiss you softly. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."

Charlie: "Get up!" you and Charlie shouted, going into Sam's room. You both hopped up on the bed and started jumping up and down.

"What?" Sam shouted, sitting up with panic in his eyes. He relaxed when he saw it was you two. "You guy scared the crap out of me!"

"It's Christmas!" you said, pulling on his arm. "Get up so we can open presents!"

He chuckled, getting up. "Calm down, guys. I'm up. I'm up! What about Dean?"

"He's making breakfast. You're the sleepy head," Charlie said. "Now come on!"

You both dragged Sam into the living room, where there were gifts under the tree. "Wait up!" Dean said, coming into the room with plates of pancakes. "Let's eat first."

"Eat during!" you said. "Come on, guys. Don't make us wait longer. We've already been waiting."

"Yeah!" Charlie agreed.

"Fine," Dean said with a small chuckle. "You guys can start."

You and Charlie both smiled at each other. "Finally."

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