Hurt on a Hunt

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Dean: "You're gonna be okay," Dean said, putting you in the car. "Step on it, Sammy!" He held you in his arms in the back seat. His voice shook with tears. "You're gonna be okay."

You put your hand in his face, drying his tears. "I'm fine," you whispered. "'Tis but a flesh wound."

He laughed a little, pressing his hand to your knife wound. "Stay awake," he said.

"Dean, we're here," Sam said, stopping haphazardly and opening the door.

Dean rushed you into the hospital. "You're gonna be okay," he said, laying you down on a gurney.

Sam: "Drive, Dean! Drive!" Sam barked.

"I am!" Dean said, the car lurching forward.

You let out a puff of air, the movement of the car jolting you and your shattered shoulder forward. "Here," Sam said, helping you put the seatbelt over your uninjured shoulder. "How's the bleeding?"

You peeled your hand back. Blood covered your palm. "I'll be fine," you assured him.

He nodded. "I know," he said, kissing you gently.

Castiel: "Cas!" Dean yelled, scooping you up in his arms. "Get your feathery ass down here! Your girlfriend needs you!"

There was a fluttering of wings, and Cas said, "What happened to her?" He covered your hands, which were holding your knife wound, and you felt it heal.

"Thanks, Cas," you said as Dean sat you down. Cas hugged you close.

"Please try not to get hurt."

Charlie: "(Y/N)!" Charlie cried, running up to you and throwing her arms around your shoulders.

You cried out in pain at the compression of your fractured ribs. "Sorry!" she said. "I came as soon as Dean called. How are you?"

You looked around the hospital room. "My head hurts," you said honestly.

"Yeah, I heard you have a concussion," she said, pushing your hair from your face and kissing you gently. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Me, too."

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