Angels Imagine

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"Shit!" Dean said, stabbing the demon.  "Dammit!  Did he get you?"

You nodded weakly.  The demon had stabbed you in the stomach, a painful and deep wound.

"Come on.  We need to take you to the hospital."

As he started to lift you, you cried out.  Pain splintered through your abdomen.  "You can't," you said weakly.

"I can't just let you die," Dean whispered, sitting you back down.  "You're my best friend."

"Cas.  Cas...he can..."

"Don't talk.  Okay.  Cas, please get your feathery ass down here to save Lauren.  For the love of all things Holy-"

"I'm here, Dean," Cas said, flashing into the abandoned warehouse.  "Stop talking."  He walked up to you, placing his hands gently on your stomach.  Warmth flooded through your abdomen as it healed.

"Thank you," you said softly after he was done. 

He nodded, wiping the blood onto his coat.  "No problem," he said.  "Anything for a friend."

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