✧ chapter fifteen ✧

Start from the beginning

"You truly have an imagination Chris." I tap his shoulder and begin to walk away from him.

"I can sense it!" He calls after me. I roll my eyes to myself and chuckle, going to pour myself another drink.

I could really feel the effects of the alcohol on me. I was slightly fuzzy and enjoying the music, dancing around with randoms and trying to find my brother.

I eventually found him on the couch sitting with Zayn, Jacob and Jonty.

"Hi bro!" I jump into the couch and wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tightly.

"Ariana... it appears to me you've gone over the limit I set you with your alcohol consumption." He tuts, shaking his head at me with the slither of a smile.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm just a lightweight?" I smile the widest smile I can muster.

"Definitely not." He rolls his eyes, chuckling at me. "Please don't have anymore after this... okay?"

"I won't." I assure him. "If I had anymore I probably won't remember tomorrow."

Noah looks at me with concern, I give him a smile and he takes the opportunity to squeeze my cheek.

"Hey that's gross." I snort, scrunching my nose and pushing his hand away.

"You look amazing." He smiles.

"That's even more gross." I jump off the couch and frown.

Noah laughs at me again. "Okay just go have fun."

"You betcha." I click my fingers and point at him, skipping away.

I search around the party, avoiding people I don't like- aka half the people here. I lock eyes with a pair of green ones from across the room.

He looks me up and down and smirks. I roll my eyes and turn away, only for an arm to grab me and pull me over.

"Stop it Harry!" I raise my voice and try and pry his hands off me.

"Oh stop it Ari, you're making a fool of yourself." He scolds. "You look good."

"You know, I'm drinking tonight to forget about you." I tut, doling my arms. "But don't feel special, Byron too."

"So it's true." He smirks. I raise my eyebrows in annoyance. "What's true." I say, in response.

"You do have feelings for me under that hatred." He lifts up my chin and smirks more at me. Does this boy ever stop smirking?

"Wait no!" I start widening my eyes and shaking my head. "That's not what I meant wait-"

"You're one hundred percent into me." He folds his arms, chuckling to himself.

"In your dreams Harry." I spat. He spins me around and pins me against the wall.

"So your not into this?" He smirks, I choke on my breath and stare at him. I quickly shake my head in response.

"What about this?" He whispers in my ear, kissing my neck lustfully. I let out a small moan but shake my head in response.

"I don't believe you." He tuts, dragging his hand up the inside of my thighs. I gasp and slap his hand away, attempting to walk off mumbling that 'I was done with his shit' under my breath. But- to my luck, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his chest and onto the wall.

"Harry! Honestly please. You're so back and forth I can't deal with it. It's giving me whiplash!" I begin to raise my voice at him.

"You want me." He shrugs, making sure his smirk was as evident as it could possibly be. Typical.

"Harry. Please. I'm not that kind of girl. I don't want you, you're not my type. I can't admit to a extravagant lie you've come up with. I'm not just some toy, I'm a girl with frail emotions that can't be played around with. I can't play your games. I never will be able to." I rant, sighing at the end and looking at him.

Harry continues to just stare at me, remnants of lust linger within his eyes.

"Are you serious! Why can't you just stop being so annoying! I-" I pull my hair and groan. "Why can't you just take the hint-"

Harry grasped my shoulders and pinned my harder against the wall.

Next thing I know, and could barely believe... he pressed his lips onto mine.

Sorry this update took so long! I've been studying for my exams and working but here it is! I hope you enjoy this and enjoy the cliffhanger moment for only a little bit

Thank you for 20k reads !!!!! Holy crap

Lots of love,
Tash xx

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