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" oh sorry," Lisa said with a smile as she signed the book for the young girl," what's your name?" Lisa questioned.

"Seulgi, I've actually liked your work ever since you were just a fanfic writer on wattpad"

Lisa nodded and smiled up at the girl in front of her, she seemed nice so she asked for the others number, earning it immediately. Jennie couldn't lie she felt a pang of jealousy surge through her but she barely knew the girl, what did it matter? Soon enough jennie was standing right in front of Lisa as fans giggled about the two.
" we meet again.."

" well I mean not much of a coin I since im kinda an autho-" Lisa was cut off by a laughing jennie. Her hair cascaded over her face hiding the smiling girl.

" you write romance novels, which I don't read, and I don't even know your last name!" Jennie said as she regained her composure, running a hand through her silky hair.

" oh- well still. Your lucky that Seulgi was the last fan in line until you."

" you got her name? Like, she reads romance novels and loves them! " Jennie mumbled.

" are you jealous?" Lisa said her eyes widening more than what they were, which Jennie didn't think was humanely possible.

" you wish! and that's a no! " Jennie flushed as she watched as the younger girl's face contorted into a hearty laugh. The cat eyed girl was not having this so she just grabbed the laughing girl and pulled her out of the glass doors of the library.

" hey! Where are we going?" Lisa wheezed as Jennie continued to pull the tall girl with an amount of strength Lisa didn't know the petite girl had.

" on a date!" Jennie replies angrily as she parked her in front of a small café that was firmly lit by fairy lights. There was barely anyone inside the small store but the ones you could see were either reading or cuddling with their significant other.

" uh- what? "

" a date!" Lisa was now towering over the sass filled girl, who was unrelenting. She didn't mean a legitimate date but seeing how the younger girl's face became significantly red, and how she brought her arm up to her nape rubbing it, definitely made the joke worth it.

" I don't know you too well-"

" it's a joke dumbass," Jennie cut the other off rolling her eyes as she pushed open the doors of the cafe, making the poor people around her frown at her presence. Lisa trailed behind her embarrassed, bowing at the people who were disturbed by Jennie's rowdiness.

" if you were going to be extra we could have gone to a bar!" Lisa hissed when they sat down. Jennie just shrugged at the blonde girl.

" I like the aura of this place," Jennie said as she looked around the café. There was a deep red wallpaper adorned with little pink flowers. The dark wood paneled floors complemented the colors giving the place a valentines chocolate box kind of vibe. Jennie kind of stood out with her black leather jacket and black jeans. She definitely disrupted the thing she liked about the place with her dark colored outfit and personality. Lisa on the other hand blended right in with the plaid shirt she was wearing that was a few sizes to big.
" you kind of disrupted it"

" too bad," Jennie hummed as she got up to get a book, she loved thriller novels but wasn't a fan of movies like that. She picked up a book called," Skin" the cover was a photo realistic drawing of skin being  cut into by a dagger like the one she had. She thumbed through it and decided it was worthy of her time. She brought it back to the table earning the raise of a brow from Lisa.

" I didn't know you liked thrillers," Lisa mused reading the back of the book as Jennie read it. She used to write thrillers but then her romantic life began to lack and it really impacted her writing.

" what? Are you sad that I don't read sappy romance novels?" Jennie sassed looking over her book with the raise of a brow.

" no- I just used to write them. And if you should know my romance novel is actually based on two spies who despise each other and end up in different situations. They slowly fall in love but it's mixed in with a lot of humor and pain." Lisa explained, she didn't know why she was getting so defensive of her novel but I guess you could say she was proud of her baby. Jennie giggles and rolled her eyes setting down her book when she noticed a  small pastry set in front of her. It had a little strawberry and was frosted with white frosting. She loved things like this so when she saw it she couldn't help but show off her gummy smile. Lisa couldn't admit it but her stomach was doing backflips at the sight of the girl's cat like eyes becoming crescent moons, not to mention that gummy smile that she was displaying. " it's ironic how you love cute things although you read thrillers and have a dagger in your purse," Lisa finally spoke, emphasizing dagger to prove her point just like Chaeyoung did not long ago. Jennie just giggles and placed a piece of the pastry in her mouth, her eyes lit up as she felt the soft cake against her tongue.
The frosting was sweet but not too sweet leaving Jennie in pure awe. Everyone was watching the girl like they did when she had come in but it was for a different reason. She lit up the hole place the way she savored the cake and did a little dance to prove her point of how good it was. Lisa couldn't peel her eyes away from the sight, the way she just felt lighter and how the whole place felt lighter.

" are you going to eat that because if not I will have the pleasure," Jennie beamed waking Lisa up from her thoughts. She pulled the pastry away before Jennie could sink the teeth of her fork into Lisa's pastry. It was glazed with purple and blue creating a galaxy on the cake. There was a thin layer of cream in between the glaze and the pastry, it was adorned with a blueberry to match.

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