Chapter Three.

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"So what did they say about those Private school kids?" Taeyong asked Jieun as she grabbed the popcorn from the microwave tipping the contents into a bowl and taking it to Taeyong who was sitting comfortably on the couch. Jieun was babbling on about what happened at the school a day ago .

"They said and I quote 'Have at it' and she went off about how Jeno is an undisciplined child who's not going far and they basically begged me to take him, like why would you bloody become a principal of a school when you're going to belittle your fucking students like that .

it's just fucks me off , even worse they asked me to take the other one too , and now I fucking have two private school kids , he wasn't as bad as the other but still. I wasn't actually being serious , I was trying to scare them into making better decisions , but looks like I have to host detention for the next two months.

This fucking teachers need to reevaluate there life choices and quit their jobs as an educators because clearly not caring about the students is one of their priorities, fuck ugh it just boils my blood , I hate it" I finally stated sighing and sitting beside Taeyong placing the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and turning my head to the TV screen that was still on the home page on Netflix.

"Sorry , I get kind of heated when people are like that" I said waving my hand over my face trying to rid of my red cheeks , Taeyong chuckled softly kissing me gently and I smiled into the kiss.

"I think it's cute when you rave on about what you believe in, Also I can't believe Jisung would do that " He smiled after releasing from me moving his arm around me as I cuddled more into his side, I sighed in relief trying to unwind, Taeyong was the best, he would always just listen to me ramble and babble and I couldn't ask for any better.

In the beginning Taeyong was quite astonished to know his little brother was one of the partakers in the whole situation, but from what Jieun told him he was happy that his brother stood up for not only himself but for someone smaller than him.

"What movie did you want to watch?"

"Any really"

The night ended with Taeyong and Jieun finding themselves in Jieuns bed , Taeyong stayed the night because Jisung had Chenle and Renjun over , He didn't mind being around those kids but he wanted to spend more time with his yet to be girlfriend.


Jieun was siting in her classroom her foot tapping anxiously , the school day was over and it's been half an hour since the last bell had rung, Jisung sat in his desk as always staring out the window , he had a feeling that this Jeno kid wasn't going to show up and just when Jieun was about to lose hope as well a duffle bag was harshly dropped on the desk beside Jisung.

"If my parents find out , I'm dead , so do your worst" Jeno said sitting himself in the desk beside Jisung , the two gave each other a warning glare, while Jeno sat back in his chair arms across his chest, Jieun disregarded the slight snort that left her mouth as he perked up trying to see over his bag.

Jeno was sporting his private school uniform which was a pair of beige pants , a white button up shirt that had the schools navy blue logo on it and a navy blue tie that had a gold striped pattern on it, his t-shirt was untucked and tie hung loose while his varsity jacket that was mainly navy blue and gold sleeves remained on him even though it was quite hot at the end of the day.

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