Chapter 16

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For a few days Ren hasn't talked to me like that even though i've been with her. She's been so hooked on trying to track Joy down and i know it's stressing her out because she feels like she's not safe

We went back to the mall to get her truck inspected on and turns out there was a tracker location on the bottom of her car without our acknowledgement

Today was her birthday and it's going to be all about her starting from when she wakes up

I creeped back in my room where she was sleep and poked her face "Babe"



"Hmmm?" She finally said as she turned over giving me a little room to get behind her

I started kissing her cheek "wake up baby, Happy birthday" I said in between kisses

"Thank you, now move let me sleep" She said smiling pulling the covers over her head

"Not uh! Get yo ass up It's already 12" I said pulling the covers off

"I'm tired Dave."

"It's a bad bitch birthday let's fucking turn upppp!!!" Pinky said busting through the door as Ren sat up and huffed

"Nobody cares about my well being today i'm sleepy!" She said before Pinky sucked her teeth

"no bitch now here." She said passing her a liquor bottle

"chug for 22 seconds for 22 years of life!!" She said setting her timer

"Really Pinky this isn't necess-"

"Yes it is! You're drinking all day cause i can't end i'm driving everywhere we're going so have at it let's go one .. two .. three! Chug" She said as Ren did was she was told and chugged the bottle of liquor, surprisingly finishing it

"Haven't seen you chug liquor like that in years" I was appalled. Who chugs liquor like that?

"So ... this ain't your first time chugging liquor?" I said as she got outta bed

"No Dave I use to get fucked up before i met you" She said smiling at Pinky

"I'll be downstairs eating. Wear what i sent you Ren!" I shook my head, i tried to get Pinky to occupy her all day while i got shit ready for tonight and she has a dinner tomorrow. I'm inviting her family because she needs to cut all that shit out she claim mad

"I got you something" I said while she was in the shower she poked her head out and smiled

"me? a gift? You shouldn't have"

"i would've got cussed out if i didn't"

She finally had gotten out the shower and tried to open her gift but i told her she was going to have to wait until she got dressed

She put on the little jumpsuit her best friend told her to wear as she went back in the bathroom to crimp her hair. After doing so she decided to put her lashes on and do her eyebrows

"Babe, have you seen-" i said coming back in the room but was star struck looking at her, it was only daytime i can't wait to see her tonight

"Have i seen what Dave?" She said

I was admiring her beauty even if she wore a little makeup. Adrianna and Karter did her justice in all the right places and i just wanna bend her over right-
"David." She said snapping me out my thoughts

"Have i seen what?""

"Nothing baby, you look beautiful" I said kissing her cheek seeing her blush

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