Locking myself in the bathroom, I cringed at one of Dion's baby pictures resting on the counter. His mom pinched his chubby baby cheeks into a less than attractive position. If Dion had any intentions of scoring, I'd assume he'd want to hide this image.

June still hadn't answered my text. Desperate times... I'd have to actually call her. I hit her contact photo, then put the phone to my ear.

At the third ring she picked up. "Hey. Everything okay?"

"Yeah..." Not really... "Any clue when you'll be here?"

"Be where?"

I frowned, glad the closed door concealed my face. I was Raiden Bedagi after all! "Dion's party?"

Her sharp gasp echoed against the bathroom walls. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit! Rai, I completely forgot. I haven't even gotten home. After student council a bunch of girls from NHS were heading over to the food pantry to sort cans and get an early start on service hours, then I went to Starbucks 'cause Mister Terrican already dished out a ton of reading for AP Psych."

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Just get here when you can? Not the same without you."

Another sigh. "I'm so sorry, Rai, but I'm not going to be able to make it."

My stomach twisted. I slumped down onto the closed toilet. "It's okay. Hey, maybe Friday after the game we can--"

"I really got to go, Rai. There's a livestream on the SuperEgo I really want to see starting in a minute."

"Okay. I love you." No answer. I glanced at my phone; she'd already hung up.

It was my turn to sigh. I crept out of the bathroom, snatching a red cup in both hands. It shouldn't have surprised me that June couldn't make it--it was hardly the first time she'd been too busy to meet up, it wasn't even the fiftieth. Ever since last March when she'd visited Yale and decided that was her future, studies and service became her priorities. Anything that didn't help her application became an afterthought. That included her boyfriend, the boyfriend who'd been there long before any dreams of prestigious colleges, and who planned to be there after. Still, I was so sure she'd make it to this party. It was our aniversay, how the fuck could she blow me off for some shitty livestream?

As I swallowed the contents of the right cup, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Instantly, I brightened. June must have reconsidered, must have decided that me, that this party was way more important than the Super... whatever it was. But instead of being greeted by June's contact picture, her face scrunched up as I kissed her cheek, I stared at Dad's glowing name.


I deliberated. If I answered now, I was sure to get an earful. But if I waited until I got home to deal with him, it would definitely be worse. He was a bottle ready to blow, and every second I kept him shut, I only raised the pressure.

Back to the bathroom.

As I turned around I noticed a girl with glasses. I shoved my remaining solo into her hand. "Hold that for a sec? Be right back."

Before she could answer, I returned to the bathroom and Dion's unflattering picture. Gritting my teeth, I answered the phone. "Hi, Dad..."

"Raiden." Shit he was pissed.

I swallowed. "Everything okay, sir?"

"You tell me. Did my dumbass of a son fail his math class?"

I had two possible plays. Option one: grovel. Option two: "Technically I didn't fail. Pollsen just--"

"Did I ask you to talk back?" he growled.

Wrong play. "Sorry, sir."

"Your teachers think you're a lazy son of a bitch. Frankly they're right, but I didn't think you were a big enough jackass to let them know it."

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