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A/N: This oneshot contains heavier Badgermao than I've done in the past, so if it isn't your ship preference, I suggest either being respectful or not read this one. I'll respect you if you only return the favor! Enjoy <3

It was late at night before the sheriff's department arrived back home at HQ. After fighting the sky pirates for a while, they got an unexpected surprise when another monster decided to barge into the village. Most of the sweetie pies ended up getting scared being on the streets, so they were locked up inside their homes the whole time they fought. To Badgerclops and Adorabat, having the sweetie pies out of their way was helpful. But Mao Mao wanted them watching. When he noticed they weren't, he felt an overwhelming feeling in his stomach. But he kept his emotions from distracting him, at least until he was finished.

Once the aerocycle had landed, Adorabat flew inside towards the bedroom. It was past her usual bedtime, so she was exhausted. Badgerclops walked in behind her, calling out a 'good night' to her before she reached her bunk. He had already sat down on the couch before looking towards the entrance, seeing Mao Mao just standing there. He had a blank expression on his face, and he knew what that meant.

"What's the matter, dude?"

The cat didn't respond as he walked over to the other end of the couch, sitting down. Badgerclops sighed softly as he rolled his eyes,

"Don't tell me you're actually upset about not having a crowd of people worship you today."

He only got a small huff from his friend, which was a sign that he didn't want to talk. The badger just shrugged as he grabbed the TV remote, turning on a movie that he knew Mao Mao enjoyed, hoping to lighten his mood.

About twenty minutes went by as the room stayed quiet, with the movie still playing and Adorabat sound asleep in the bedroom. Badgerclops had his focus on the movie, until he saw Mao Mao standing up from the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards him,

"Going to bed already?"

"Yes." The feline stated bluntly. Before he could walk off, though, the co-hero groaned irritatedly.

"Why are you in such a bad mood over this? It's just applause, bro. Nothing special."

The sheriff glared down at him,

"You don't get it, do you? Heroes are SUPPOSED to show off their bravery and skills to the citizens! That's how you achieve the title of 'hero' in their minds!"

"But you're already their hero!! They don't have to watch your every move to know that! You're just attention seeking, dude, just admit it."

Mao Mao growled furiously as he turned his body to him, placing his hands on his hips.

"I am NOT! I KNOW it's always been one of my codes of duty as a legendary hero! My citizens need to see all that their protector can do for them!"

Badgerclops looked at him angrily, trying to keep his voice down because of Adorabat.

"Mao Mao, do you really need attention that badly?! If you do, just say so!"

He got an irritated scoff in return. He knew his partner had trouble admitting his true feelings, so reassuring him was a better way to go than arguing.

"Look, man, it's just you and me here. Say what you're really thinking, I'm not gonna judge you."

Mao Mao hesitated as he continued glaring at him with his bright green eyes.

"It isn't ALL about attention...the sweetie pies need to know not to underestimate me!"

The badger had decided right then, that he wasn't going to get a full confession. He also couldn't take hearing him complain about the lack of attention and love anymore. Before Mao Mao could react, Badgerclops had grabbed his arms, pulling him into his grasp for a hug. The cat's eyes widened, being taken aback by the sudden physical contact.

"B-Badgerclops, what are you d-"

He was interrupted by the feeling of kisses on his cheeks. He tried to push away, but was only held down tighter by his friend's robotic arm as he continued to get smothered in affection. Blush appeared on the cat's face as he squirmed, trying to escape.

"I said STOP!" He shouted, but Badgerclops only chuckled at the sight of seeing him flustered.

"Be quiet, dude, you're gonna wake up Adorabat!"

"Then let me go!" Mao Mao demanded, but was ignored again as he felt the badger's claws scratching gently behind his ears. This is when he instantly regretted ever telling him about his soft spots.

"Don't complain about getting attention when that's what you wanted." Badgerclops said as he gave him another kiss on top of his forehead. He didn't stop scratching his ears as he put him in another tight hug, sitting up from the couch again. At this point, Mao Mao had given up on squirming his way out of his grasp. He just laid there in his friend's embrace, his cheeks a bright shade of red and a soft purr escaping from him. A few minutes of more affection went by before Badgerclops finally stopped and gazed down at him,

"There, are you good now, dude? Got all the neediness out of you?"

The flustered feline only took this opportunity to finally get his personal space bubble back. He stood up and quickly headed for the bedroom, adjusting his cape as he spoke,

"Don't do that again."

Badgerclops rolled his eyes as he smirked, watching him walk away as he responded,

"You were purring, dude, don't deny that you enjoyed it."

Mao Mao growled lightly as he walked over to the bottom bunk, noticing Adorabat still sleeping peacefully above it. He laid down and wrapped his red cape around his body, curling up as he laid his head on his pillow. He'd never like to admit it out loud, but he was hoping tomorrow wouldn't have any sweetie pies around either. It'd give him an excuse to get that kind of attention from Badgerclops again.

He fell asleep, with the feeling of his friend's soft fur still in his mind.

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