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WARNING: This oneshot contains mentions of blood. If that makes you squeamish or uncomfortable, I suggest not reading it. Thank you <3

There had been an overload of monsters in Pure Heart Valley lately.

The Sheriff's Department barely had any time for themselves this past week, battling enemy after enemy. Mao Mao and Adorabat didn't seem to show any fatigue, but that couldn't be said for Badgerclops. He wasn't used to so many fights in one sitting, having at least 4 a day. He could tell that his friends were tired too, but they were too invested in doing their job to let it bother them. Nonetheless, all three of them kept going, as protecting the villagers was very important to them. They had just finished lunch at HQ before the monster alarm went off once more, getting a slight groan from the badger. Mao Mao, who was already up on his feet, gave him a confused look.

"What was that for, Badgerclops? You got a chance to rest!"

Badgerclops sighed as he stood up from the couch.

"Yeah, for 15 minutes! We've been fighting nonstop lately, what is causing the monsters to come around so much?"

The cat shrugged before he saw Adorabat fly out the door, and started heading out behind her.

"Who knows, but we got to deal with them either way!"

The co-hero watched them run outside, hesitating before following them. He didn't want to seem lazy, but he just wasn't used to fighting more than 2 monsters a day. Hopefully, he'd get used to it.


The trio flew out towards Pure Heart Valley, quickly noticing the giant red, green eyed dragon stomping across the land. Mao Mao flew the aerocycle close and onto the ground, with the team quickly getting off and preparing for battle. Adorabat flew next to Badgerclops, who was staring at Mao Mao in confusion.

"So what's the pla-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, he watched as the feline ran up to the beast, katana in hand and already attacking it. This was typical, but Badgerclops had been hoping he'd let them come up with a plan first. Adorabat had flown up to the dragon's head, distracting it as Mao Mao continued his attacks. They were so busy paying attention to the front of the dragon, that neither of them noticed its barbed tail moving upward, aiming for Mao Mao. Badgerclops gasped as he knew what it was planning, his friend could be killed if he got pierced by one of those barbs. He immediately took action, running up to him as he shouted,


The cat had only began turning his head towards him before he was suddenly pushed, dropping his sword and hitting the ground roughly. He groaned as he sat up, looking around in confusion. Then his eyes widened as he saw Badgerclops lying on the ground, with the dragon's tail splattered in blood. He was lying on the ground, definitely unconscious. Adorabat's eyes filled with tears as she was still flying up above the buildings, looking down at her teammate.

"BADGERCLOPS!!" She screamed, causing the dragon to turn its focus on her. Luckily, she saw the monster as she dodged its mouth. It continued to try and eat her as she flew out towards the woods, in which it followed her. Mao Mao quickly stood up, running over to the injured badger nervously. He fell to his knees in front of him as he tried to see where he was punctured, getting tears in his eyes.

"Badgerclops!! B-Buddy, wake up!"

He pleaded and gently shook him a bit more, then in a slight panic, he finally turned him over onto his back. That was when he saw the stab wound near the right side of his chest, his brown and white fur covered in blood. His robotic arm was twitching a bit, apparently malfunctioning from the impact. Mao Mao wasn't sure how to react, but his first instinct was to stop the bleeding. He unhooked his cape from his neck, wrapping it up before placing it over the wound, holding it down. The sheriff panted shakily as he checked Badgerclops' heartbeat, sighing in slight relief as he felt it. He looked up and saw a few of the sweetie pies peeking through the windows of the buildings, watching the scene unfold in horror. He was hoping that Adorabat could lead the dragon away from the land herself, but was nervous that she couldn't. He wanted to go help her, but didn't trust anyone around to watch Badgerclops. Nobody cared about him more than he did.

It felt like an eternity that Mao Mao stayed in that spot, cleaning off the blood and hoping Adorabat would return so they could bring him home to bandage him up. He began to wonder if he should take him back himself, but then he'd have to leave him at HQ all alone for who knows how long. Finally, he saw the blue bat flying back over to them in the village, quickly landing down next to them as she panted tiredly.

"Mao Mao, i-is he okay?! What do we do?!"

The cat kept holding down his cape over the wound as he spoke,

"Adorabat, I need you to hold this down right here while I drive us back to HQ. Let's go, I'll need to carry him over to the bike."

The girl did as she was told, taking over the cape as Mao Mao carried him shakily over to the aerocycle. Once they had gotten in a safe enough position, they carefully flew back home, making sure their unconscious friend didn't fall.


It was now nightfall in Pure Heart Valley, and after a scary incident, everyone seemed to be tired. There was no sweetie pie in sight on the streets, all tucked in bed inside their homes. The HQ base was the only place to have lights on, with Mao Mao making himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Adorabat had already gone to bed, being exhausted from leading the dragon all the way out to the mountains and getting it lost all by herself. Badgerclops had been laying on the couch since they returned home, with a clean bandage across his chest. His robotic arm was still attached, but he couldn't move it until they fixed it up again. He couldn't remember exactly what happened, but he did know what he had been stabbed by. It physically hurt to even move an inch, his whole chest ached and he felt drained. Mao Mao walked over to him, taking a sip from his mug.

"Hey, do you want to try and sleep in your bunk?"

Badgerclops shook his head as he stayed still,

"No thanks, I'm pretty comfy right here. Well, as comfy as possible..."

The two stared at each other for a moment, with Mao Mao tensing up at the awkward silence.

"...You know you didn't have to save me, right?"

The co-hero looked at him in surprise, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding? Of course I did, you're much smaller than me. It would've killed you."

A small blush appeared on the cat's face, looking away.

"I'm not THAT much really worried me back there. I thought...I thought you were dead. I think Adorabat did too."

He noticed a small blush on Badgerclops' face as well, wondering what he was thinking.

"Well lucky for us, I'm a big, tough guy. Those barbs couldn't stab all the way through my fluffy body." He smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. Mao Mao smiled back lightly, then looked over towards the bedroom.

"I guess I should let you sleep. Do you need anything first?"

"I'm good, bro. I think you need some rest, too. You never know how many monsters will show up tomorrow."

Mao Mao nodded before hesitating, sighing softly.

"...Thank you, Badgerclops. I...I don't know what I'd do without you."

They smiled at one another again, even bigger than before. The feline turned around and started heading towards the bedroom, with Badgerclops watching him go. He stayed laying on the couch as he thought to himself,

"I'd do anything for you, Mao Mao."

Mao Mao OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now