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A/N: This story was requested by my friends Alexis, Sky and Gabby on Instagram. Hope you girls enjoy <3

"Grab the gem from the aerocycle, Ratarang!!"

Mao Mao heard Orangusnake call out to his teammate, and immediately turned towards his bike to protect it. It had been the third time this week that this filthy hybrid had attacked Pure Heart Valley in order to take the ruby pure heart. But, it never really tired him out, Mao Mao's dream was to be a hero and fight evil.

His eyes were locked on the Italian rat heading towards him, aiming to grab the glowing gem inside the aerocycle's engine. As he attempted to jump above the cat's head, he quickly swung his katana, hitting him right in the chest and slinging him to the ground. Orangusnake watched as his teammate was knocked unconscious, groaning from the pain in his ribs. The leader then quickly took notice as his other two partners, Ramaraffe and Boss Hosstrich, were being beaten down by Badgerclops and Adorabat. He decided to go after their weakest member, quickly going over to attack her from behind. He knew that Mao Mao would leave the aerocycle unattended if his teammate was in danger, and one of them could grab the ruby gem.

Sure enough, as soon as Mao Mao could sense where he was headed, his heart dropped as he immediately turned to stop him, leaving his bike vulnerable. The injured rat in front of it tried taking this chance to get up and snatch the jewel.

Orangusnake lifted his sword above his head, about to swing it at Adorabat from behind as she covered Ramaraffe's eyes. Before he could even begin to aim, he was roughly hit with a punch in the gut. An angry growl came from the feline as he kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into one of the trees outside of the valley.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!" He yelled out, making sure his enemy was far enough out in the distance. His gaze moved towards the blue bat, who apparently had been unaware of the danger she had been in. She turned her head and smiled, pointing towards the injured giraffe on the ground.

"Look, Mao Mao, I beat her again!!"

He gave her a smile before his attention was brought back to his aerocycle, remembering he had forgot to get someone to guard it. Luckily for him, though, Badgerclops had already been on the case and knocked out Ratarang before he could get to the engine. He sighed in relief, going over to his partner.

"Great job, Badgerclops. Should we arrest them, or just kick them back in the woods?"

His co-hero chuckled as he held the unconscious rat in his hand,

"I dunno, dude, kicking them in the woods sounds more entertaining."

As Badgerclops began taking care of Orangusnake's defeated team, Adorabat flew up on Mao Mao's shoulder as she smiled.

"Wow! That battle was great, Mao Mao! Did I do better this time?"

The cat smirked at her as he gave a small nod.

"Of course! Just, always watch your back. You never know when a group of enemies will decide to double team you. I may not be there to protect you in battle next time, and the last thing I want is you getting hurt."

Adorabat kept her bright grin on her face as she nodded back at him, stretching her wings a bit before flying off his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll remember! Thanks, Dad!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned and began flying over to the aerocycle to put her helmet on. Leaving Mao Mao completely floored.

Dad? Is that what she just called him? That was definitely ... unexpected. He didn't know how to respond to it, either. What was he supposed to say if she said that again? Sure, he saw her as a daughter figure to him, but he never thought she'd actually refer to him as her dad.

Before he could think about it too much, he jumped in surprise as he heard Badgerclops right behind him.

"Alright, they're taken care of! Let's go ho-...dude, are you alright?"

He took a deep breath and shook his head before looking up at his friend.

"Yeah, I just..." He paused and made sure Adorabat wasn't listening before he continued, "Adorabat just called me...Dad."

Badgerclops' eyes widened, then laughed as he glanced over at the bat sitting on the aerocycle.

"Really? Aw, that's so cute! Too bad I didn't hear it. Maybe she'll say it again!"

Mao Mao felt a slight blush on his face, glaring at his friend before going over to the bike.

"Let's just go home..!"

The two men finally joined Adorabat on the bike, putting their helmets on before flying back towards HQ.


It was pretty late at night, but the trio was still awake watching a movie. Badgerclops had Adorabat laying on top of his head, who was half-asleep but was trying to focus on the film. Mao Mao was sitting on the other end of the couch, barely paying attention as his thoughts were still roaming around about earlier. Was he just supposed to let Adorabat continue calling him Dad? He didn't mind it, was all so new to him. Plus, he knew he wasn't REALLY her father, and he wasn't sure what the future held for her, since she wanted to be a legendary hero just like him. If they both achieved their goals, they may not be able to stay a team anymore.

But maybe he was overthinking it. He always did see her as the daughter he never had. Being a hero shouldn't separate them, especially with him being her mentor. He let out a sigh as he tried to finally focus on the TV, glancing over at his tired friends next to him.

It wasn't long before the movie was over, and Badgerclops looked up at Adorabat on his head. She was already asleep, seeming to be pretty comfortable snuggled up in his fur. He looked at Mao Mao as he whispered,

"I think I'm stuck."

They both looked at the sleeping bat for a moment, then Mao Mao finally stood up on the couch to gently grab her. She only let out a small groan, but didn't wake up as the cat held her in his arms. Badgerclops smiled as he spoke softly again,

"Maybe we should all sleep in here tonight?"

Mao Mao hesitated and blushed as he held the girl close, knowing that would mean cuddling up with Badgerclops. But he knew Adorabat wouldn't like being simply put on her pillow on her bunk bed, and he didn't want to wake her so she could get in her normal upside down position. He finally shrugged and agreed to it, and the two took a minute to get themselves comfortable on the couch. They were careful and quiet as Badgerclops let Mao Mao lay next to him, putting Adorabat in the middle of them. They were all so tired that it didn't take long for them to fall asleep as well, with only the faint sound of another show on the TV screen being heard.

They were definitely a small, but happy family.

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