Used to It

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A/N: WARNING: Blood, Child abuse, and PTSD is written/mentioned in this story. If that bothers you, please do not read this oneshot! Also, just a heads up, my next few stories may be inspired by the new episodes that release this Friday. Don't worry, I'll put spoiler warnings if I do! Hope you enjoy this one!

It was nearly time for bed in the Mao home, with the sisters finishing up their daily training. Eight year old Mao Mao sat quietly in the corner of the room, watching their every move in awe. He wanted to join them so badly, to have his father teach him all of those cool sounding moves. But instead, he was always pushed to the side, leaving him with nothing to do besides learn himself. So he paid close attention to their details, hoping to mimic them and show his father that he can do it too. Some of them looked hard, but he was determined to master it all. Maybe one day, he'd get a legendary weapon that he heard them talk about sometimes.

"Alright, girls, that's enough for today! Get rest for tomorrow's session!"

Mao Mao watched as his five older sisters walked out of the room in a line, with their father, Shin Mao, giving them each a gentle pat on the back as they headed out. As Shin Mao turned and was about to turn the lights off, he felt something grab his leg. He glanced down at his golden boots, seeing the familiar little cat hanging onto it and grinning.

"Daddy, Daddy, that was so cool! Can I show you my moves? Please?"

The man sighed irritably. He had forgotten his son was still in the room.

"Not tonight, Momo. It's time for bed, now let's go."

The boy frowned slightly, but nodded as he let go of his leg.

"Okay...hey, Daddy, can you tell me a legendary bedtime story?"

Shin Mao walked down the hallway, making sure all his daughters were in their rooms before heading to his own.

"No, son. I've had a long day. Now head to your room down that way." He pointed the other direction, towards a door across from one of his sisters'.

But the child was desperate to hear a story, knowing he'd always do it for his siblings. But never for him.

"Just one story, please? I can't sleep until I hear one! I promise I'll sleep after-"

He was interrupted by the feeling of a rough kick in the chest, getting flung right into the wall next to him. He let out a yell in pain, followed by a sad whimper. Mao Mao looked up at his father with tears in his eyes, and saw him already walking off. As if nothing happened.

"I said go to sleep, Momo! Do as you're told!" He said sternly, slamming the door to his room. Leaving the injured child alone in the hallway.

Mao Mao shakily stood up, feeling the tears run down his face as he wiped his nose. He glanced at his paw, noticing the blood that came from him. Before this became a regular thing, he would have no idea what to do besides get help from his sisters. They'd clean up the blood for him, then tell him to go to sleep. But at this point, he knew what to do.

The small feline hesitated, looking at his father's bedroom door again before turning to the bathroom, looking for a towel and a bandage. The back of his head stung a bit from the impact of the wall, making him wince. Before he could try to reach up onto the counter, his ears twitched, hearing a sound close by. The lights flickered on above him. He turned his head to see one of his sisters standing near the doorway.

As soon as he turned to face her, she let out a small gasp. She saw the blood running from his nose, and how shaken he looked. Her expression fell from shock to sadness, stepping closer and picking him up.

"I got you, little bro."

The girl grabbed a towel with her free hand, getting it damp before bringing it to her brother's face, cleaning the blood. Mao Mao winced again as she touched his nose, as it still hurt from the kick. The two stayed quiet as she helped him out, at least until she was done. She placed the towel back on the counter as the blood was gone,

"There. You should go to bed now, Mao."

Typical response. He nodded in agreement, glancing down at the ground sadly.

"T-Thanks..." He uttered out before walking around her, heading to his bedroom.

The young warrior sighed as she watched him go, giving him a sympathetic look. She felt helpless, like she could only watch from a distance as their youngest sibling was kicked or swatted away by their mentor. All of them felt like that, and sometimes brought it up during training breaks. But only briefly. The last thing they wanted was their dad to hear, and possibly punish them. All they could do was stand there. She turned the bathroom light off, heading to her own bed.

Mao Mao stepped into his room and carefully climbed into bed, his body sore. He curled up into the blankets, staring up at the wooden ceiling. He didn't know why, but tears still fell from his green eyes, even though he attempted to stop them. He tried to begin imagining himself as a legendary hero, just like his family. He saw himself in his father's golden armor, standing proud and strong with a huge sword in his hands. An image that made him happy, the reason he kept aiming for his goals. It would be all worth it one day. He could be as great as his dad.


"Mao Mao?"

The Sheriff opened his eyes in surprise, waking up as he heard his name. He looked over to see a blue bat, who had a anxious look on her face. She whispered again as she realized he was awake.

"Sorry to wake you...But, could I sleep with you? Please?"

Mao Mao knew what that meant. She usually asked for this if she either had a nightmare, or just couldn't sleep. She told him before that his soft purr at night helped her sleep. Even though he never meant to purr, it's just a natural instinct while he's sleeping. He gave her a weak smile, petting her head softly before scooting over on his bunk.

"Sure, little deputy."

Adorabat's eyes lit up, smiling as she quickly laid down beside him. She wrapped her wings around his side, not letting go as she sighed in content. This wasn't exactly what Mao was expecting, but it didn't bother him. He got himself in a comfortable position without disturbing her too much, beginning to fall back asleep.

Adorabat would never get the same treatment that he did.

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