"... You meet one person, and your life is changed. Forever."

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Jisoo entered the school building and was greeted with bright smiles. It was her first day back and everyone that she walked past gave her a warm welcome.

"Welcome back, Jisoo."

"Hey Jisoo!"

"Glad you're okay, Chu."

She wouldn't say she was popular but her name floated around school due to her outstanding athletic and academic accomplishments; the accident gave her more attention than usual. She gave a shy wave or nod to the students that had greeted her. She was the never into big crowds, she liked small and intimate.

"Kim. I missed you bud." Bobby chirped, blocking the dark haired girl's path. He grinned widely before draping his arm around Jisoo's shoulder and turned his heels to walk with her. "How you feeling? We missed you at prom. Nayeon looked extra hot for you."

Jisoo groaned. Bobby was the number one fan of her and Nayeon. He couldn't let it go and pushed the idea whenever he had the chance. She couldn't blame him. After all he was Nayeon's best friend.

"Bobby, Nayeon and I are just friends. You know that right?" Jisoo stated side-eyeing the soccer player.

"I still don't understand why it can't happen. I mean you guys were so close!" Bobby argued.

"We weren't meant to be." Jisoo answered simply but the boy kept on babbling. She rolled her eyes and decided to tune out the boy's voice. As she averted her gaze and faced the front, her chocolate orbs landed on a petite brunette wearing an oversized hoodie with her last name on it. The corners of her lips curled up as she ogled at the girl who was talking to their teammates.

Oh how she missed each girl even though she had seen them just a couple of days ago. She knew that the next couple of weeks will pass by fast and soon they will go in separate ways. She had grown to love her team. Like what Lisa had said from the very beginning, they were a family.

"Would you excuse me?" The dark haired girl said politely as she lifted the boy's arm off her and started to walk away.

"Hey, where you going?" Bobby called.

Jisoo turned around and gleamed at the boy. "To my family."


"I can't believe you skipped out on us on Saturday, Nini." Lisa frowned. "Not cool."

"Lili, are you serious? You're still mad at me for that?" Jennie retorted, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"You didn't even say goodbye." The Thai mumbled.

Rosé nudged her girlfriend and gave the girl a pointed look. "Lisa, give her a break. She was with Jisoo."

"Yeah!" Yeri piped up. "And it's not like you paid any attention to her. You were too busy running your hands all over Rosie."

Lisa gasped dramatically. "Sue me for trying to get it on with my woman." She said, nuzzling her head in the crook of Rosé's neck.

"There, there, baby." The taller girl cooed as she brought her hand up to pat Lisa's head. Jennie and Yeri chuckled softly at the big teddy bear. It was a different side of Lisa. All four girls were too preoccupied with the couple that they didn't see a certain girl make her way towards them.

"What's going on here?" Jisoo's husky voice rang, making the four girls to turn their heads to her direction. She beamed at her teammates and opened her arms.

"JISOO!!" Yeri was the first to jump into her arms. "WELCOME BACK!"

"Jichu!" Lisa hummed as she untangled herself from her girlfriend to walk towards her captain.

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