"My heart is so tired."

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After practice Jennie waved goodbye to her teammates. She was meeting Irene by her car for their ritual Friday dinner. It was their thing. As she passed through the front door she realized that she forgot her homework in her locker. She peeked out to the parking lot to check if her girlfriend was already there waiting. Irene hated waiting. When she saw no sign of the girl she decided to run to her locker quickly to retrieve the assignment.

Jennie wore a smile on her face just thinking about the dinner with Irene. The couple hasn't been getting along lately to the point where Jennie had thought about the possibility of the other girl cheating on her. She shrugged it off and believed that Irene would never do that to her.

"Come over..." Jennie heard muffled voices as she rounded the corner to her locker.

"I can't. I have to go to dinner with my girlfriend." A soft murmur responded. The volleyball player froze in her tracks when she recognized that voice. She pressed her body against the wall and craned her head to inspect the voices. Jennie clenched her jaw when she saw her girlfriend pinned on the wall her legs wrapped around another girl, which she identified to be Seulgi.

Seulgi was an upperclassman that played soccer for their school. Jennie knew this because she had heard the girl's name in the morning announcements as the MVP of most games. She had also seen Irene and the cheerleaders hang around with her during school hours. She turned her head quickly and settled on eavesdropping.

"What was her name?" Seulgi snorted.

"Jennie." Irene shook her head in disapproval. "She's probably waiting for me right now."

"Good. Make her wait." Jennie choked on her own spit as she tried to hold down a sob. She wanted to stay strong but her tear streaked face would beg the differ.

"I have to go..." Irene whined.

"No." The soccer player said firmly. There was silence in the air followed by a series of sloppy kiss noises and heavy moans. Jennie couldn't bear to hear anymore and established that her homework was not so important anymore.


"Babe, are you listening to me?" Irene waved her hand in front of her girlfriend, who had seemed to zone out. Jennie lifted her gaze to meet the cheerleader's. "I said I'm going to have to cancel tonight's dinner plans. I know it's kind off our thing but I am so swamped with-"

"That's fine. You don't have to explain." Jennie interrupted flashing a small smile at the girl. Irene grinned widely and pecked her cheek, mumbling 'i love you' before turning back to talk to her friend in their table. The volleyball player bowed her head and played with her fries.

Friday dinners weren't their thing anymore, every since the day she had witnessed her girlfriend kiss another during sophomore year. Either Jennie or Irene would make up an excuse to skip the day. 

"JEN!" Lisa shouted from across the lunch hall, catching Jennie's attention. "COME SIT WITH US!"

Jennie turned to Irene for approval that happily nodded and encouraged the girl to go. She gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before picking her tray up and walking over to her team.

"About time." Yeri muttered under her breath as Jennie planted herself on the seat next to her. "We were getting worried. Thought you abandoned us, Captain."

Earlier that week, their coach had announced the team captains for the season. One being Jennie and the other was none better than Jisoo. It was clear both girls had leadership qualities and the fact that they worked well together. It was inevitable. All the girls knew it would be them but nonetheless still acted surprise and cheered for the two girls.

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