"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever"

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"Goooooooooood Morning Manta Rays! It's yo boy Kim Hanbin here!" the telecom boomed silencing all the chatter made by the students. Everyone in the classroom took their assigned seats and attentively listened to the morning announcements. "I hope ya'll started your day with the finest orange juice and some Cheerios! Speaking of cheerios... here is Varsity Cheer Captain, Irene with a special message..."

There was shuffling heard as the mic was passed down. "Heeeeeey! Manta Rays!" Irene beamed in the mic. Jisoo looked over to Jennie and saw her putting her head down as the girl's ex talked excitedly over the box. "I'm Irene, President of SGA and in behalf of our committee we would like to share with ya'll that today starts PROM WEEK!"

That elicited mixed response in the room. Some people cheered enthusiastically and others groaned in agony.

"To all the seniors, this is your chance to show off and make the biggest and boldest gestures to your special someone for Prom. Members of the SGA will be around to witness these Promposals and blog about it in our school page. The most unique and extravagant Promposal will be documented in our Yearbook this year along with the title of Cutest Couple. I wish you all the best of luck and I hope they say yes. SEE YOU AT PROM!"

There was a slight pause and everyone started buzzing about prom. Jisoo nudged Jennie softly.

"Hey, you okay?" She whispered. Jennie nodded not bothering to lift her head up. "Don't worry if no one asks you, I'll take you to prom."

Once the announcements were back on Jisoo faced the front. She didn't notice her teammate's head shoot up at her past comment.

"Yeah, yeah. Prom... blah blah blah," some students snickered at the bitter tone of the speaker. "On other news, our Lady Mantas have been putting other schools to shame. Our fierce softball team swept their competition, the Jackals, off the charts last weekend and is going to states. The girls' volleyball team crushed their opponents last Friday with the help of our dynamic duo, The Kims..." People in their homeroom cheered while Jisoo and Jennie smiled bashfully. "Later that night, our own Nayeon pulled a hat trick on the pitch dedicating it to her special someone. I can't wait to see what she has in store for Prom Week."

Jennie quietly fumed at the thought of Nayeon taking her co-captain to Prom. Jisoo, however, sank down in her seat as she felt everyone's eyes on her. She hasn't told anyone about her and Nayeon's mutual understanding to break it off, not even Jennie. The school body still thinks that they are together.

Nayeon had begged Jisoo not to say anything just yet and asked if she could accompany her to the party last Friday. The girl had promised her teammates that she was going to bring Jisoo and she didn't want to disappoint them. Jisoo agreed and came to Nayeon's game then to the party with her but only as friends.

"Both soccer and volleyball have their last few games this week so come and support the girls slash boys for their SENIOR NIGHTTTT! Good luck Mantas and Happy Monday!"

The telecom died and the noise level of the room spiked up. Jennie twisted her body and turned to Jisoo.

"Jisoo, what did you mean 'that you'll go with me if no one asked me'... Aren't you asking Nayeon?" The brown-eyed girl raised an eyebrow.

"About that..." Jisoo chuckled nervously. "Her and I had this mutual understanding of remaining friends."

"Go on." Jennie pushed.

"Basically, we broke things off."

"So you guys aren't a thing anymore?" A hint of excitement evident in Jennie's tone making Jisoo confused.

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