"I told you so."

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Jisoo walked Jennie to her front door. She stuffed her hands in her varsity jacket as she trailed behind the brunette and her family.

"Great job tonight, ladies." Jiyong congratulated the two girls. He pushed his youngest daughter who was sleeping up further into his arms. "I'm really proud of both of you, especially you Nini." He smiled at Jennie. "I approve this by the way." He gestured to the pair with a smirk.

"Dad!" Jennie whined before pushing him in the house. "Will you please go in!"

"Don't stay out too late. It's getting cold." Chaerin reminded her daughter. She kissed the top of Jennie's head and walked through the door giving the two girls privacy. She closed the door on her way in.

"So..." Jisoo dragged as she rocked back and forth using the heel of her foot.

"So..." The brown-eyed girl giggled.

"I'm glad you asked me." Jisoo said truthfully with a smile.

"I'm glad I asked you, too." Jennie replied, reciprocating the other girl's expression.

The pale girl chuckled. "Are you just going to repeat everything I say?"


Jisoo rolled her eyes playfully. "Jendeukie, please."

"Tonight was by far the best night of my life. We won our last game. I asked you to Prom and I didn't get rejected..." Jennie joked. She looked at Jisoo's eyes and melted. "I'm really really happy you said yes, Chu."

"Did you doubt me?"

"Kind off. I thought for sure you had your 'yes' reserved for Nayeon."

"I told you, I would have said yes to 'someone else'..." Jisoo used his hands to air quote.

"Well I wasn't sure on who was that 'someone else'?" The other girl followed.

"You were that only 'someone else'."

Jennie blushed. She scrunched her nose and squinted her eyes at Jisoo. "You know Nayeon helped me..."

"She did?" Jisoo asked in shock.

"Hmm." Jennie nodded. "She asked a couple of the guys from the soccer team to help me with the lights and the keyboard. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Very cool." The older girl hummed. "I thought she was going to ask me..."

"Are you disappointed she didn't?" Jennie taunted as she arched an eyebrow.

"No. no. no." Jisoo said frantically. "It was just that... how did she end up helping you?"

"We talked things out. Turns outs she's really nice."

"See! I to-"

Jennie quickly slapped her hand over Jisoo's mouth. "Ah, ah, ah. I don't want to hear it. I admit she's nice okay... No need for the 'I told you so'."

Jisoo shrugged. "Fineeee." She mumbled in the girl's hand before licking the palm on her mouth.

"GROSS!" Jennie squeaked, pulling her hand back and rubbing it on Jisoo's jacket.

"Great." Jisoo watched as her teammate smeared the saliva on her jacket. "I always wanted my own spit in my jacket." She said sarcastically. She saw Jennie smile smugly and start to pull away so she quickly grabbed on the girl's wrist.

"Not so fast, Kim." There was a glint of mischief, twinkling in her brown orbs.

Jennie tilted her head at Jisoo and raised an eyebrow. "Chu..."

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