"You were never mine to keep anyway."

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Jisoo collected her flustered self. She wasn't used to Jennie being so forward. It was a change. A change she'll most likely grow to like. She pulled her varsity jacket tighter to her body and took a deep breath in front of the bathroom mirror. Once she was satisfied and calmed, she walked out of the bathroom to head back to the lunch hall. On her way, she caught a glimpse of her 'ex', more or less she would call it, scurrying along the hallways on her way to the library.

"Nayeon!" The volleyball player shouted. Nayeon slowed down and whipped her head towards Jisoo. A smile formed on her lips as she watched the brown eyes girl saunter her way to her.

"Hey." Nayeon breathed. "What's up, nerd?"

A throaty chuckle escaped Jisoo's lips. "Shouldn't I be calling you a nerd? Let me guess. You're on your way to the library."

"Good observation, Kim. It's not like it's behind me or anything..." Nayeon teased as she pointed to the glass doors behind her with a sign 'Library' on top.

"Alright, alright. You made your point." Jisoo let Nayeon seize the moment. She looke at her and suddenly felt guilty. She brought a hand back and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Haven't seen you in a while... you know since..."

"I've been busy." Nayeon decided to step in. "Everything is kind off getting hectic in the last month and a half of our school year with finals and all."

"Yeah... It's a pain in the ass." The dark haired girl hoaxed.

"Shut up, Chu. We all know you've been on top of everything. Grades, sports, and even a Prom date." No hint of malice was laced in Nayeon's tone. The soccer player hit Jisoo's arm playfully. "You finally got the girl." A sad smile was drawn on her face; a smile that the other girl couldn't ignore.

"I'm lucky." Jisoo stated with a small sigh. "I'm lucky to have a friend like you. Jennie told me what you did."

"Oh, Jisoo it was nothing." Nayeon tried to dismiss.

"No. It's not just nothing. It's everything." The pale girl countered. "You put your own feelings aside to help out Jennie to ask me. You knew I liked her and you knew that if she asked me that I would say-"

"Be happy." Nayeon finished. "I wanted to ask you, Jisoo. So bad. Like so so bad. And trust me seeing Jennie prompose to you in front of everyone as she claimed you like that, hurt like a bitch. But it was all worth it. I saw you glow."

"You know I would have said yes to you if you did ask, right?" Jisoo remarked.

"I know. You want to know why I know that? Because you're a good person, Jisoo." Nayeon smiled. "However, I'm a consolation prize compared to Jennie."

"Her promposal was pretty hard to beat." The brown-eyed girl joked.

"It was." Nayeon agreed. She looked into Jisoo's eyes as she said, "You really love her don't you?"

Jisoo nodded.

"That's good because she really loves you too." The hazel eyed girl spoke softly. "You were never mine to keep anyway."

Nayeon took a step towards Jisoo and wrapped her arms around the pale girl. Jisoo didn't hesitate to do the same, resting her chin on Nayeon's shoulder.

"You're a good friend, Nayeon."

"And that's all I'll ever be... a friend."

The school bell rang, which meant the lunch period had ended. Jisoo and Nayeon split apart as the students emerged out of the lunch hall to their lockers and next classes, one of them being Jennie.

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