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The said guy snap his head toward the voice and smiles when he saw the angel he adore so much.

"Cheon Sa! I miss you." he hugged her and caress her face.

"I miss you too Min-Min." She smiles.

"Where's nanny?"

"Nanny's not here. I'm with dad-"

"Baby, you left me." A man spoke up behind the young child and Jimin's eyes widen the moment he heard the very familiar voice.

And then saw the man he love.


And Jimin's world stops for a moment.

It's indeed Jungkook calling the little girl her baby.

So it means.....

Jimin's POV


My world stops, Jungkook is here.

My head freezes so hard. I can't think of anything. What is this. Is this happening for real!?

Jungkook called the girl in front of me as his baby.

So... Cheon Sa and Jungkook??

"Y-yo-u a..a-and Cheon. S-sa? Daughter? You mean, sh.. she's your b..bb..baby?"

Jungkook seems confused and shocked too. Why not if just..we found out that her baby and my lil friend is his daughter?

"Oh gosh. Jimin. Yes she's my baby."

"Daddy you know him?"
The little girl sprung up in our middle looking up at us cutely yet being confused like us.

"Baby.." Jungkook kneels so he can be on her height.

"Princess please listen to daddy. Yes I know him and baby," Jungkook look at me and adds;

"He's someone I want you to meet."

Cheon Sa smiles so wide up to her ears. She's looking at me and then look at Jungkook and then to me, to Jungkook, between us.

Her eyes are glistening painting us with joy, full of colourful colors.

"Daddy! He's the one I want you to meet," Cheon Sa said.

"And to be my mommy!" She was happy telling it to Jungkook. And Jesus, I'm so happy.

I tear up, again.

All of my dramas being sad in front of Jungkook, I am jealous with myself?

Fuck my life but this is unbelievable.

Cheon Sa wants me for her daddy.
This is the most beautiful thing that ever happen into my life.

Tears of joy are overflowing.

Jungkook carry her daughter in his arms and she wipes my tears.

Oh God, this girl... she's my daughter.

And Jungkook hugs me so tight together with her baby.

Our baby.

I laugh when Cheon Sa suddenly laugh, I don't know why but she laughs and I saw Jungkook joining us laughing.

My heart soften. She's not mine but I don't care. She makes me happy. Her daddy makes me happy. I love her, I love her daddy, and I'm so glad, she want me since then. These two beautiful people in front of me are part of my life now.

Is this my family now?

"Yes Jimin. We're family." Jungkook said.

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