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It's about a month now, Jimin still has one month to stay at Busan. Just thinking of leaving again makes him sad and tear a little. In a short time of staying at his hometown, he feels like everything is fine and everything he wants are here.

He has his family, grandma, auntie, Hyuk, and his friend Cheon Sa. Jimin's time of staying here are perfect, it's also the time Hyuk and Cheon's vacation. So every time they're at park, they used to play with other kids. Cheon really likes Jimin a lot. She keeps on telling him that she want him to meet his Daddy.

She told him that he wants Jimin to be his mommy. Jimin was shocked, how can he be her mommy if he was a guy? Cheon said that it's okay, he likes Jimin and he looks like a girl too so it's not a problem to her.

Jimin is not sure about that. Especially when he was seeing someone now.

Yes, he was seeing someone now who's very handsome and nice.

It happens the next day his auntie pleaded him to send some lunch for his husband who's working at the Jeon's Company. He heard it at Cheon's nanny but he didn't pay attention for that.

His auntie told him that his husband used to eat homemade food. He's a picky one so she used to make him food everyday. But that time, he forgot to bring his lunch.

Jimin being a nice guy, he accepts to deliver the food to her husband.

And that day, while he's at the receptionist asking for her aunt's husband's name, a tall guy was walking in his way. Wearing a black suit with a blue necktie and a black hair slightly parted. He has a strong aura that gives Jimin a heart attack. He was so handsome, Jimin can tell that he's some of the boss at the building. And oh boy he got it correct.

The said man stops where he was and stood still in his spot while staring back at the man.

"Who are you?" The man ask not even greeting a simple hi.

"J...j-jimin. Park Jimin." Oh hey come on, why are you stuttering? He scolds himself.

"Oh then, Hi. Have a nice day." And the man take his leave.

"What was that?" He ask himself and found that his uncle is already there staring at him dumbfounded.

"Oh uncle! How long have you here?"

"Two minutes I think, and you were like spacing out there that long."

"W-what?" He ask unbelievably.

"Yes you are. So why you here?"

"Um, auntie pleaded me to bring this to you. You forgot." He said giving the bag full of his lunch.

"Omoo, thank you Jimin. I'll eat this all." His uncle smiles.

"Uncle, I have one question."

"What is that?"

"Do you know that man who came out before you? The man with a black suit, blue necktie and hair slightly parted. Has a good sharp jaw and a tall one."

His uncle slightly laugh.

"Well, there's a lot of people wearing a black suit here but a blue necktie? He's the one always wearing blue necktie here. I think you was talking about Jungkook."


"Yeah, he's my friend so I'm the one who can call him by name, he said that so I didn't refuse to call him by name."

"Is that so? Well then, uncle please tell auntie I'll be bringing you your lunch every noon please."

"And why?" His uncle raises his one brow.

"I want to see him again." He smirk.

"Aaa Jimin, that's what I'm thinking."

"Uncle please. And if she ask why, just tell her that I want to explore again in Busan." He said with a puppy eyes.

"Aigooo Jimin. Okay fine. Now go. And thanks again for this."

After that day, he always bring his uncle's lunch. He also uses to saw the guy named Jungkook. It makes him smile and happy. Especially when he smiles at him before leaving.

And for unbelievable day, the guy ask him if he want to take some coffee. It was raining that time and it was sweet for Jimin, he thinks. Sitting at the coffee shop with a handsome man in front of you, sipping a coffee and talking so gentle, it was so relaxing.

They throw each others information about themselves and it was a relief that they're both comfortable in each other. After that coffee thing, they exchanged numbers and they talk like a sweet couple every time that Jungkook is free.

It's crazy, just knowing him for one day, and the next day they were close as fuck.

Maybe they were just compatible. They both thought with a smile.

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