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Jungkook's POV

After fetching Jimin, I am so fluttered that his grandma seems to like me. I don't want to assume but that's what I'm feeling.

You can't blame me though.

And I have to admit, I fell in love with this man in front of me.

If I'm gonna confess, will he accept me? What if he doesn't love me the way I do? What if he only likes me, not love?

No, don't think like that Jungkook.

But my daughter... She wants someone for me to be my partner, to be her mommy.

Speaking of her, she wants me to meet someone who's her best friend. Someone she said that has a beautiful sparkling eyes, a cute nose and a lovely laugh. I don't know how she can say those things and describe those beautiful things in her age but I can see how happy she is every time she's talking about that someone.

She wants me to come with her tomorrow at the park so I can meet her best friend. I am hesitating to come because of my schedule and being a busy owner of a company but I don't want to make her sad. So, to her happiness, I say yes to come with her.

And it means, I'm gonna meet the one she wants to have as her mommy.

"..kook! Hey, Jungkook." Jimin was waving his cute little hand in front of me with a confused face.

"What?" I ask.

"You were spacing out there for like three minutes now. Hello, and the food is here for two minutes already." I did spaced out for that long.

"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking something." I said and tell him to eat.

"Something or someone?" I can hear a hint of little jealous tone out there.

"Both?" I said unassured.

"Tell me. I'm listening."

"It's my daughter, Jimin. Are you jealous?" I test.

His eyes get widen not so big but you can see the changes.

"No! Why would I?" He immediately said.

"Okay...?and the thing is, she wants me to meet someone tomorrow afternoon."

"Someone? Who?"

"I dunno. She just said I have to come with her."

"Is it a she or he?" He stops eating and focus on me, staring.

"She said, she want that someone to be her..m-mommy."

He gulp and I gulp.

"Oh. Is that so? It's obviously a she." He glared at his glass of water and speaks;

"I'm full now. I want to go home already.

He barely touch his food and now he's already full. This is wrong.

And he started to walk in a fast pace exiting the restaurant.

I need to run after him, so I left some money and go out. I don't care how money I did left but I know it's too much for my bill, no. Our bill.

"Jimin wait! Why are you in a hurry? I can drive you home. Wait Jimin!" I was running for about five minutes now I think. Why is he like this? Did I do something or said something he didn't like?

"Jimin!" And for my relief, he stopped.

I approach him and he look at me smiling. What's wrong with this man?

"W-why..did you r-run?" I ask him catching for some air. He was so fast, it makes me tired so quick.

"Nothing, you can go back there Jungkook. I just want to go home.."

"..to sleep...to tuck in my bed, to close my eyes...to cry."

Jimin stated with a teary eye. Jesus, what happen for real.

"What's wrong?" I ask him caressing his face.


"No Jimin. Tell me what is wrong. Did I said something you don't like?" I'm so worried as fuck.

"I said nothing Jungkook. Just.."

"Jimin, stop saying it's nothing when there's a reason why you like that. You left me there, you ran so fast and now you're telling me it's nothing? What's the real problem Jimin, just tell me."

"You love your baby, right?"

"Of course, why are asking that now?"
I ask so confused.

"And you will do anything for her, right?"

"Of course Jimin yes. Anything. But she's out of here why you asking that so suddenly?"

"So I guess you have to be with someone she wanted you to be with. Someone she wants to be her m-mommy." And that's the time he sobs so hard. I hug him, I hug him so tight. Why is he like this? It is because of that, that's why he ran and left?"

"Jimin... stop. Why you crying? It's not like you love me or something. You don't have to cry like this." I know he wants me, but he didn't love me. Why he's crying? Also, yes I would do anything for my baby but it's my decision to accept or not what she wants. The final decision depends on me. Maybe yes I love her but in that case, I have to explain her that it's up to me if I'm gonna find her a mommy.

I can feel Jimin hugging me back so tightly at this moment, the way he sobs, the way he hid his face on my chest, the way he breaths in and out, he don't want me to let go.

"Jungkook... I love you, I love you Kook. Please Kook, please say you love me back. Kook." And my eyes and heart gave up.

He love me?

"J-jimin. I love you too, Jimin. Oh gosh Jimin look at me." I hold his face to look at me and saw his face decorated by his fresh tears. I learn to love this man for a short time and I don't regret any of it. I just love him to be mine.

The days we spent together, the moments I am cherishing with him, I never think of regretting it.

I want to make more beautiful moments with him, together with my daughter.

I just hope she will like my Jimin and love him as much as I do.

But tomorrow, I have something to deal with my daughter.

"Jimin I swear, I love you. I love you for a while now. Please believe me. And I'm just so happy you feel the same."

I want him, it is now or never.

"Jimin, please be my boyfriend."

"Kook...Jungkook I love you too. I'll be your boyfriend Kook. Oh my, I just love you so much. Please don't leave me, please. I love you so much."

Tears still flowing in his beautiful eyes.

As well as his love flowing through my soul.

"Thank you Jimin. I'll bring you to my house the day after tomorrow. I promise."

"I am so happy Kookie. You don't know how happy it is." Now, he's smiling and looking at me with his full of hearts eyes.

"As well as me, baby."

I lean in for a kiss and for my lucky, he leans forward to accept my kiss. I kissed him so slow, so gentle, so passionate that is full of love and grab his waist so tenderly. I can feel his arms snaking at my neck and pull me closer, deepening the kiss. After some seconds, I can hear the sloppy sound coming between our lips. I can't let go, fuck I love this. The way he let go his lips to make me roam inside his mouth, fuck it's so warm. Jimin tastes so sweet. This is the first time we kissed, and in the name of love, I'm on the peak of my victory.

The kiss is not gentle anymore, it's becoming harder and rougher minute by minute. And I can say, he will be the death of me.

I fucking have a boner.

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