Chapter 9

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I came to a stop only when I could see my home. I was panting. I rushed in my bedroom and into the en-suite bathroom. I threw up soon after in the porcalein bowl. I had witnessed something terrible. My very essence was repulsed by it. Whatever it was, I didn't want to go near it. Ever again. 
When I was calm enough, I left my room and went to dine with my family. I hadn't been eating well lately, which earned me a snarky remark from my mother. Dinner was a quiet affair. My mother and my father talked about business and about me. Guess what? It wasn't nice. As soon I was done, I went to bed. My dreams were plagued by icy winds and endless darkness.
The next morning I woke up feeling a little bit better. I dressed. My hair was behaving weird today. It was excessively smooth. No hairtie was able to secure it. After a few tries and a few  hairties, I managed to secure it in a messy bun and went to school. God. I missed Ellie. As soon as I entered the school building, I began searching for her. She wasn't there, neither was Leon nor Nicholas. Panicking, I checked my phone. There was a text from Ellie.
"I am not coming today, I am with Leon!"
I sighed. Sometimes I was so alone. A sudden wind lifted my hair and it came out of its bun. I groaned and heard a laugh. I whipped my head to find William staring at me intently.
"Why are you so mad at your hair today?", he said approaching me.
"Its not manageable today."
"Well, I think it's beautiful. Keep it down, will you? You look as radiant as the sun.", he said calmly. Calmly. He was calm and I was trying hard not to blush. I failed miserably and he laughed as red painted my cheeks.
I was stuck with William the whole day. I am not complaining though. It was quite nice. He is good when he can be. Witty, charming and nice. School ended and soon I noticed that Alexander had not been present.
"Have you seen Alexander?"
He stiffened visibly. Cold rage covered is inhuman face. Temperature dropped or I might have been imagining it. He looked at me and said, "Stop worrying about him, Evelyn. This day is ours.", he whispered and I was free, light as a feather floating on rainbows. I felt happy, elated. I hooked my arm in his and said, " Let me take you to the library."
I entered the library after securing my hair in yet another hairtie. William followed me like a lost puppy through the shelves while I showed him my favourite books. Turns out he is a big literature fan and we have many favourite books in common. My day was getting better and better.
"There is my favourite edition if "Wuthering Heights", I pointed towards the top shelf and lifted myself on my toes to retrieve it. I felt William's hands in my hair, I turned towards him and my chestnut waves fell on one side of my face. He laughed and brushed them off. He had my hair tie in his hand. He had unbound my hair. He slipped the hair tie in his pockets and said, "Nature doesn't want your hair tied today. Who are we to defy nature?",He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. William was dangerous. Very dangerous. He could seduce me to death and I didn't know a thing about him.
"What's your last name?", I questioned.
He said smoothly, "I don't have one. Let's go home. I will walk you to yours."
He slipped his cool and in mine and tugged me. It was night time. I had spent an entire day with William. I didn't regret an ounce of it.
We walked in a comfortable silence. His hand in mine sending continuous jolts of sparks to my blood. When we reached my door, he took my hand and kissed the back of it. "Thank you for a lovely day, mo Bhanrion." He smiled such a sweet smile and then I knew that I was in deep trouble.
I entered my room and watched him leave into the night. I called Ellie and said the words that had been ringing into my mind since morning.
"Ellie, it's Code Red."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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