Chapter 8

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I woke up to someone banging at my door. I groaned and opened my bedroom door. It was my mother. Elizabeth Reed, red with rage thundered into my room.
"Young lady, I can not tolerate this kind of behaviour in this household. ", she screamed.  As if she was even around. Ouch. That was rude. I winced audibly.
She frowned. "Are you drunk, Evelyn?"
I took a calming breath and said, "No, mother. I am not drunk."
Then she proceeded to lecture me about my responsibilities and my behaviour. She also mentioned that how I arrived late last night. I don't even remember what happened last night. I think I am going crazy. My mother left soon after lecturing me. I checked the time. It was 4 pm. Holy crap! I slept through school!
I quickly dashed towards my phone. I had 10 miscalls from Ellie and 2 from an unknown number. I called Ellie back.
"Are you out of your effing mind, Reed? Do you know that I was worried sick?", her voice thundered as soon as she picked up her phone. I told her everything and then we chatted for some time.
I decided to go for a walk. I was feeling sick and hung over. I shrugged out of my nightclothes and put on a lace trimmed black camisole with denim shorts. I exited from my house and saw that some guy was leaning against a car outside my driveway. It was William.
He was wearing a black shirt which did wonders for his muscles. He had thrown a leather jacket over that shirt. With that raven head of his, he looked like trouble on two legs. He smirked when he saw me and gave me a once over. When his eyes met mine, there was a raw, primal hunger in them, but I think I might've imagined it. When he blinked, all emotion was gone. He approached me, my heart fluttered.
"Why didn't you come to school today?"
I gave him a non committal shrug. Was that the reason he was here?
He looped his fingers in the belt loops of my shorts and tugged me into him. I was startled. He buried his face in my hair. I had decided to leave my hair down. He breathed in and made a noise of approval in the back of his throat. Heat pooled deep in my stomach.
"I missed you, Evelyn", He murmured against my skin. I flushed. He grazed my jaw with the tip of his nose and placed a small kiss at the corner of my lips. He was continuously murmuring my name, like a prayer, a lament, a plea. His breath smelled sweet. Too sweet. He was drunk. I didn't want him to regret anything he did right now, so with a lot of will power, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him.
"Are you drunk, William?" I inquired.
He grinned, "Maybe." He frowned. "I tried to call you, but you didn't pick up." He looked so vulnerable. So young. He took my hand in his and whispered, "Let's go for a walk, please."
We took the same route I take to my school. When we neared the woods, he tugged my hand and led me deep into the woods. The surprising thing is, I let him. I don't know what came over me at that time. Soon, he whispered, " You should stay away from Alexander. He is dangerous."
I stiffened. "Why?"
He clenched his jaw. Apparently, he had anger issues. "Because I said so.", He said quietly, too quietly.
The hair on the back of my neck rose. I felt like someone was watching me. A similar sense of dread filled my veins. I took a step back. William reached for my hand and whispered my name. But, I was scared, so so scared of this forest. So, I ran. I ran like my life depended on it, which was true.

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