Chapter 2

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"Finally, get me some food", groaned Ellie as we plopped our bags on the cafeteria table. I rolled my eyes at her, she was always hungry. That girl could eat a whole feast. She smiled suddenly and that dreamy look came over her as she gazed over my shoulder, I turned in my chair to see Leon walking towards our table. Leon was Ellie's boyfriend since high school. He is a nice guy, though I will never admit this to him. We don't dislike each other, we just tolerate each other's presence.. The pair had only eyes for each other. I sighed as I remembered that no one would look at me that way. He took a seat next to Ellie and the pair started to talk in hushed tones, that's when I heard Nicholas make a gagging sound and sit down next to me. Nicholas hated relationships, so we were good friends, he was pretty rude at first but then warmed up to me eventually. Finally, our food arrived and surprisingly, Ellie ignored the food, despite her complaints about hunger just a few moments ago. That happens a lot when she's with Leon, see, she adores him, even more than food! Our table fell in a comfortable rhythm with Nicholas and I ignoring Ellie and Leon and vice versa. I just wanted them to have some quality time together, as they never hung out outside school, because Ellie's parents didn't approve of Leon, which didn't make sense, because they were perfect for each other.

The rest of the day was uneventful, I went to my home and found nobody there, did my homework and watched some TV.

The next day at school, when I went to my locker, I found a letter there amidst some fresh leaves and acorns. Who gives acorns to someone? Its just plain weird but what made me freeze was the recipient name. In bold, cursive writing, the words "Mo Bhanrion" were written on the top left corner of the parchment. I dared to read on.

Mo Bhanrion,

You already know who is writing this letter. I wanted to apologize for my rude behavior the previous day. I didn't know how to approach you, that is why I used what you called "the sappy pick up line" . I just want to talk to you. I am from Red Line high school. I was in that party and I saw you there. So, now you've all the answers, can we meet, now? I hope you liked the acorns. I chose them myself, but I bet they would've lost their magnificence now, they only look magnificent in their birthplace.

With hope,


That letter just left me in jitters. Even if I agreed to meet him, how was I supposed to convey this to him? There was no address, no phone number. This guy was just plain weird. William is a nice name! yelled my subconscious. I felt defeated all of a sudden. Was this guy some serial killer/stalker. Calm yourself, Evelyn. You don't look good enough to be stalked. Even a mad man wouldn't stalk you. At times like this, I wanted to shoot myself in the head to shut that little voice. I was excited though. This chase was giving me an adrenaline rush.

I had decided not to bring my car to school that day. So, when school ended, I had to walk to my home. I won't lie, I kind of like to walk. It was a nice day. I was walking, when suddenly the temperature dropped, it became really cold and thunder started to boom in the sky. Soon, it was raining. I didn't have an umbrella with me, so, I took shelter in an office complex. Most of the offices in this building were abandoned. I tried to find a clean spot in order to sit as I had to wait for the rain to stop when I heard footfalls. Let's be honest, I was scared shit. I tried to find some sort of makeshift weapon when I happened to glance at the intruder. It was none other than William. He wore a gray tunic which made his eyes even more intimidating. His presence made a wave of anger surge inside me, it was irrational, but I could not help it. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

His mouth curved into a sneer, "I could say the same for you. You came to meet me, didn't you?

That arrogant bastard! "Don't flatter yourself. How can you assume that I came to see you? You had no way of knowing my answer."

A sigh from him. "I knew you were going to be here, so I showed up."

"Stop being cryptic, William. Tell me what do you want."

"Are you a poetess, Bhanrion?"

I was shocked, how did he know that I wrote? It was getting creepy and by the looks of it, I know that he was somehow aware of his effect on me.

"Are you interested in mythology?" He started to inch closer towards me, till our noses were practically touching, the smell of mist and fog and something else I couldn't put my finger on, engulfed my senses. It clouded my judgement, I couldn't think. I couldn't concentrate on anything but his voice, his words. He looked at me, dead in the eye and his features sort of became sharper, feline and more beautiful than ever. It hurt to look at his face. It was radiant. "You have to stop writing about them, Grainn. They might come to steal."

Out of nowhere, lightning crashed in the office and the trance broke. He moved away from me, he looked as dazed as me but unlike me, his gaze was alert. He was gauging my reaction, when finally he said in a voice so low that I had to strain to listen to his words.

"The skies are clear now."

Between The Worlds. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora