Chapter 31- Bad News...

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[Can we skip to where Heath and Fenrir have ages now...? Sorry...😅😅]

Jungkook's pov

Tume flies fast as me and my husband are married and my sons are still a few months old... but now... after two years... my sons are now two years old and me and Taehyung are inseperable... so right now... me and Taehyung are in our shared room as the twins are with the TaeSeok and YoonMin couples as we took a break...

"Kookie?" I looked at Tae as I heard him call my name, I only hummed in response

"If we had a baby girl... what do you want to name her?" I looked at Tae as he asked

"Why love? Do you still want more mini 'Jungkook' and 'Taehyungs' running around? Cause I don't mind~" I said smirking as he blushed a crimson red as he punched my chest lightly as I chuckled

"Yah! You perverted muscle bunny!!" He said looking away

"Look, I'm sorry love..." I said as I turned him around to face me then kissed his temple as he giggled

"But seriously, why are you asking me that??" I asked him as I looked into his sapphire eyes

"Nothing... I was just asking babe" he said as I nodded and we watched our movie again

-after the movie-

Taehyung's pov

We decided to take our little munchkins from the two couples as their mates were jealous of them... hehe... so now we're in the living room with our sons Heath and Fenrir

"FENRIR! OW!! Don't hit daddy!!" I heard Junkook yell as Fenrir hitted him with a plastic but strong bat for babies as I only giggled at them

The rest of the group (along with some of their kids) joined in the fun, and as we were talking to each other while watching Heath, Fenrir, Sakura and Raven... while Eliza is in her eomma's arms...

[Here's what they look like]

Jeon Heath on the right, Jeon Fenrir on the left and both are 2 years old

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Jeon Heath on the right, Jeon Fenrir on the left and both are 2 years old

Jeon Heath on the right, Jeon Fenrir on the left and both are 2 years old

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Kim Ash
Adopted son of the Namjin couple
3 years old

Kim SakuraAdopted daughter of the Namjin couple and older sister of Ash4 years old

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Kim Sakura
Adopted daughter of the Namjin couple and older sister of Ash
4 years old

Kim SakuraAdopted daughter of the Namjin couple and older sister of Ash4 years old

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Min Eliza
Daughter of Min Jimin and Min Yoongi
1 year old

[Now back to the story...]

And as we were having fun, someone barged in the room scaring all of the kids... and that person is no other than...

"Yeogyum!! What on earth were you thinking?! Scaring our kids like that?!" Jin yelled using his alpha voice

"Forgive me my king... but please! I have to talk with Taehyung!!" He said and I walked close towards him

"What is it Yeogyum?" I asked him

"I have to tell you bad news..." he said looking down

"Go on..." I said and he took a deep breath and the next thing he said made my eyes widened in shock and anger

"They're starting to make a move to attack Silver Moon..."

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