Chapter 30- I do...

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Third person's pov

The day has come for the two lovers in Silver Moon to get ready... all of the wolces and she-wolves were getting ready for the event... the NamJin couple along with the ChanBaek couple, Namjoon's parents, Yoongi's parents, Hoseok's parents, MarkSon couple (A/N: Of course Mark and Jackson are dating...) and the rest of the mansion staffs are getting the pavement ready for the wedding ceremony... and as for the grooms... well... they're in separate places along with their kids... Taehyung is in his own mansion with his son Jeon Heath and the YoonMin and TaeSeok couples helping him get ready... and as for Jungkook, is in Taehyung's room with his other son Jeon Fenrir and his family helping him get ready aswell.

Jungkook's pov

"Taehyuuunnngggg!!!" I whined for the tenth time as my parents chuckled

"For the last time oppa! DON'T WHINE!! PLEASE!!" Kiara yelled angrily as she was playing with my son with our cousin Manoba Lisa and her fiancé Manoba Jennie

"You'll do this aswell when you get married Jeon Kiara~" I teased and smirked as she blushed a tint of pink and we all laughed at her expression

"I'm so proud of you son" dad said after we all stopped laughing

"You've grown up so fast... I still remember as you were still a kid..." my mom said tearing up as I hugged her and made circles on her back as she calmed down

"Yeah imo, I still remember when he still loves to imagine he's a bunny... haha" Lisa said as I only smiled at the memory

"Ok! Enough chatter... it's time for you to wear your suit son" mom said as she handed my suit then left with the others to leave me alone in my room, so I started wearing the suit while thinking of Taehyung... hmm... I wonder what he's doind right now?


Taehyung's pov

"You're almost done... and... there!! Meow meow, what do you think?" Jimin asked Yoongi as he pointed me

"He looks handsome babe... but not as cute as you~" Yoongi said that made Jimin blush as Yoongi puts his hand around Jimin's waist

"Can you please stop flirting, there's a child here!" Taesung said angrily

"And sunshine, you might wake your nephew up" Hobi said as he took Heath in his arms

"Alright, maybe you guys can leave now..." I said as they all stood up and understood what I meant and left with my son and as soon as they left... I felt a presence behind me and smiled as it was...

'Here's my wedding gift to you Tae' she said as I turned around and took the suit in her hands

"Thank you mi' lady" I said and she hugged me

'See you later' she said then waved as I waved back as she disappeared

I looked at the suit in my hands and whistled on what it looks like and smiled

"Mi'lady, you have done it again~" I said to no one in particular

Third person's pov

Just as the NamJin couple and everyone else decorated the pavement have finished everyone in Silver Moon has gathered to take their seats... then soon... the ceremony began all of the entourage of Jungkook walked down the aisle as he walked up to the pavement then after that... his young cousin Levin walked the aisle along with their rings... then after that... his little sister Kiara became the flower girl along with some relatives of his friends then his fiancè's entourage...

Jungkook's pov

[What Jungkook's suit looks like]

Then after all of the entourage are in their places all of the guests stood up as the big doors opened and revealed the love of my life as I stared at his features and smiled as he was smiling at me aswell

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Then after all of the entourage are in their places all of the guests stood up as the big doors opened and revealed the love of my life as I stared at his features and smiled as he was smiling at me aswell...

Then after all of the entourage are in their places all of the guests stood up as the big doors opened and revealed the love of my life as I stared at his features and smiled as he was smiling at me aswell

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

As soon as he was already infront of me, I smiled at him as he did the same, then all of the guests sat down as the priest cleared his throat signalling us that the event is about to begin...

"Good afternoon, to you everyone and welcome! As today we are going to unite two lovers from different ranks by the strings of love... Mr. Jeon, you may say your vows first..." the priest said to me

"Taehyung... when I first saw you in class, I knew that day that you were my mate, by your sweet scent of vanilla and strawberries.. and when I first heard your voice, it touched my heart as it was deep and soulful... and when you saved me and my friends from those rogues, I felt safe and when Jimin hyung said that yoh didn't want a mate, I was broken... but you confessed to me that you liked me... then when I discovered that you were the most powerful creature to live, I didn't felt scared, but hurt, as I know that creatures will do anything to have you... and I also want to say thank you Taehyung, for giving me the best times of my life and for giving me two beatiful treasures, our sons Jeon Fenrir and Jeon Heath... and I promise that I will always protect and love you Tae... I love you..." I said as I saw the tears in his eyes threatining to fall then he cleared his throat as he was about to say something.

Taehyung's pov

I took a deep breath before I say my vow to the love of my life... Jungkook..

"Jungkook... in the past... I told my siblings and Jimin that I don't want to have a mate... and here's the reason why, I was afraid... afraid that you'll be lost from me if you get involve in my fight... but you showed me differently... by making me feel things, that I thought that I could never feel again... and when you confessed to me... my heart started to run a marathon... and I knew that I will always love you when you helped me realize my new feelings... and to thank you... for always being there for me when I needed you the most... and for also, making love with me... to make those adorable munchkins... and also... thank you... for helping me how to love again... I love you Kookie..." I said as I saw his tears streaming down his face

"Now, do you Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?"

"I do..."

"And do you, Kim Taehyung, take the last name 'Jeon', and take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband 'til death do you part?"

"I... do..."

"I now pronunce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom!!" And as soon the priest said that, I didn't waste anytime to kiss Jungkook as he did the same and we pulled away as the guests yelled and screamed happily as for our friends amd family cried for us...

And it was the most happiest day of my life~


This book is almost done!!

𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 [𝐀 𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐓𝐚𝐞 𝐅𝐅] |RE-EDITOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora