He didn't reply and just obeyed my orders. 

'Only 3 hours till Ruel gets here' I thought to myself 

. . .

It was 4:15 when Ruel walked in

"You're late" I smirked at him, "again"

"You miss me" he said as he leant on the counter

"No" I scoffed

"That's not what you're implying" he said

I punched his shoulder

"What was that for" he complained rubbing the spot where I hit him

"That was for yesterday, making my mom think we were fucking" I said

"She thought that" he laughed

"Yes" I cried, "and it wasn't fun for me"

Then I leant forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. Ruel looked surprised and blushed a deep red

"What was that for?" He asked quietly

"That was for being cool with her" I shrugged, "she likes you"

"Okay if you're done here, would you like to order" Ethan cut in sourly 

"Shut up newbie" I snapped

Ruel handed me $4 and I put it in the till

"And I make this one" I said pushing Ethan out the way

"That's not how you make a doubleshot" Ethan said as I began to make it

I looked up at Ruel who was chuckling to himself and rolled my eyes 

"Wow aren't you observant" I said sarcastically

Ethan shut his mouth and let me be

"There you go pretty boy, you're lifeline" I smiled handing the cup to him 

"Thank you princess" he smirked

"I thought I already told you that's not sticking" I said raising my eyebrow

"Oh you did, don't think I was listening" he laughed

"Asshole" I muttered

"Don't leave without coming to get me, I want to ask you something" he said going to his table 

"Maybe I'll remember, maybe I won't" I smirked

"Isla" he whined

"Okay okay" I laughed, "I'll come and get you"

"So he's you're boyfriend?" Ethan asked

"None of your business" I snapped taking my place back at the till

          . . .

"Okay so what'd you want to ask me pretty boy?" I asked Ruel as we walked down the road

"2 things" he said, "well maybe, the second thing depends on your answer to the first thing" he explained

"Just ask me Ruel" i said rolling my eyes "Okay so theres this party on-"

"No" I said immediately

"But why" he whined

"Parties aren't my scene" I shrugged

"How would you know that if you've never been to one" he pointed out "Because I do okay" I muttered

"Fine, i guess I just cant tell you the 2nd thing" he shrugged

I looked at him with narrowed eyes

"Does it have anything to do with that notebook?" I asked

"It leads to what's in the notebook" he said, "but I guess you'll never know" "Oh god damn you" I growled, "Okay I'll go"

A wide grin spread across Ruel's face and he began running away

"Great" he shouted over his shoulder, "I'll tell you the second thing when I pick you up at 9 on Friday"

"Are you kidding me?" I screeched

"Nope" he laughed and continued running

"Unbelievable" I muttered

I walked the last few minutes to my house. I opened the gate with the code and got my keys out. My mum was coming out of her office when I walked in and she smirked at me.

"No Ruel today?" She asked cheekily

"No" I mumbled, "but I'm going to a party on Friday"

My mom froze the smirk slipping off her face

"D-did i hear that right?" She stuttered

"Yup" I smiled, "I'm going to a party on Friday, Ruel's making me"

"Ruel" She said raising her eyebrow, "how long did it take to convince you?"

"Surprisingly not long at all" I said going up the stairs, "it's like my decision making completely falls apart around him"

I saw my mom frown as I bounded up the stairs

"I'll be doing homework in my room, call me when dinners ready" I called down to her 

"Will do" I heard her faint voice as I closed my door

The one (Ruel fanfic) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now