S01E09 - Monsters

Start from the beginning

For some reason I didn’t know before, Christine got closer to me more than anyone. It was later that I discovered there was a piece missing from the Handers family. Christine had an elder brother named Nick. He was the first one to be turned in the family, and was put down by Chance. A bullet in the head, no questions asked. I felt like I filled that part of Christine’s life, as she did with mine for my little sister. Her mother, Jane had the same type of handgun as I did, only it was fully loaded. She was happy enough to share bullets with me proving her trust. Holding the weapon in my left hand and holding Christine's hand in my right, we slowly moved into the middle of the dark green forest.

“What’s your name?” Christine asked.

“I told you already.” Said I.

“Your full name.” She insisted.

“Trevor Stones.” Said I.

“I’m Christine Handers.”

“I know sweetie.”

“I like Christine Stones better.”

“Do you now?” Jane asked with a weird smile which crept me.

“So Mr. Handers, what were you doing this far from your base?” I asked.

“Call me Enrick buddy.” He said smiling.

“Enrick.” Said I. “So?”

“We were—doing something.” He said hiding half of the sentence in his throat.

“Something?” I asked.

“Oh look we are here!” Said Enrick exited.

Passing the boarder of trees that ended the forest, we stepped into a huge ground. First thing I noticed was the water well, defended by a wooden fence. There were blocks of vegetables and fruits planted and arranged nicely for easy access, also protected by another strong wooden fence. There were two women crouched inside one block, examining plants. Ahead of that, a huge three story wooden house raised up to the sky. In front of that, a man was chopping wood, which he stopped doing to take a gander at the arriving strangers. The sense of civilization was much a comforting feeling at the moment. The shock of fighting the horde of walkers still had not left my heart.

The man chopping wood stopped his act and walked over to us with his jeans and leather sleeveless jacket moving in the broken rhythm he was walking. I noticed the wound in his leg, bandaged with a red blood patch in the middle. With holding the axe in his muscular shining hand and wearing wood dust allover, he stopped running his cautious eyes on us, judging and examining.

“Who the hell is this?” He asked watching me holding Christine’s hand.

“Um—Derek, This is Trevor, Ryan and Beth.” Said Enrick sounding like he was asking a favor. “They had to stop on the way because their car broke down and saved my daughter from a dozen of monsters. I saw the bodies it was a massacre. If they weren’t there my daughter would’ve been killed.”

“Is that so? But man Enrick you know outsiders aren't allowed in this camp.” Said Derek.

“We were outsiders before too weren’t we?” Asked Jane.

“Our truck is working, it just ran out of gas.” I said. “If you gave us some to make it to another vehicle we’d be out of here in no time.”

“Derek why can’t they stay?” Asked Christine.

“I’m cool with anything but it's Chance’s word that rules in here.” Said Derek. “If he think you’re useful, you are in.”

“But if your cool and there’re cool” I said pointing the Handers. “How can Chance stop us?”

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