Author's Note

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Hey guys, this book is a little — or a lot — different than my other ones, this has just been on my heart. I feel like the books I write are something I'm passionate about but I'm passionate about God too, so why not write about him? I'm not sure what audience I'm writing for but I hope this is great for both believers and non-believers.

The book will have 5 points that I will talk about.


I understand some people may have gone through something with God or Christians, but if you're here, have an open heart, and be ready to connect with God. Some may think Christians are goody two shoes that tell you that you're bad or living wrong, but just know, we all sin, we're just like you, but instead everyday we try to make ourselves better and we're only telling you this so you can be saved! And your family's family can be saved. There's nothing but love from us to you.

If you don't like what I'm saying you can carry on reading somewhere else, or, please DM me and we'll talk.

Please guys, listen to the songs because worship music connects with everyone! Music is a way into the heart and Christian music is very encouraging.

Thank you all, I pray you have a good day.

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