Chapter 5

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"Hey Rosie, it's me Nash."

I said

"I know you probably can't hear me, and if you can your probably like 'why is this random boy talking to me that I barley know." I chuckled

"But I just want to say that I really like you. Every Time you would talk to me or look at me, I would get butterflies."

"Your just so beautiful."

"When you wake up I promise I will do everything in my power to protect you, and not hurt you."

I sighed and walked to find Matthew.


I heard everything.

My heart fluttered at the thought that he thought I am beautiful.

And with that I fought the sleep.

My eyes quickly pried open.

I look up to see Matthew and Nash staring at me.

I am engulfed in hugs of two boys who smell of eggs..

"I missed you so much Rosie, I'm so so sorry!" Matthew cried "I'm so so sorry!"


Heyyyyyyyy people of the Internet.

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❋Try❋ (Matthew Espinosa,Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now