"Oh there you are," she breathed out lifting a palm over her heart, wearing his way too big T-shirt on, "I didn't see you next to me so I started to worry something had happened again. If Chat Blanc had returned or something similar."

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up," he apologized, following Marinette's bare legs admiringly as she proceeded to make a cup of tea for herself, joining Adrien at the tiny table. His heart fluttered by the fact she had dressed into his shirt.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, noticing now that Marinette looked somewhat tired.

"Kind of," she replied honestly, dipping her tea bag.

"You should go back to sleep. There's no need to wake up yet," Adrien suggested, but Marinette shook her head.

"Maybe later," her answer was a vague one and Adrien couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He was about to ask was Marinette troubled by something or was she in pain because of their first time together when she spoke on her own.

"I had nightmares. I couldn't save you from akuma or Hawkmoth, no matter how hard I tried," she said, seemingly not wanting to be any more specific with the nightmare's details.

Adrien's hand seized her palm underneath his over the table.

"You should have woken me up," he told her with a concerned frown. Marinette offered him a small smile from the edge of her tea cup.

"I'm not that fragile."

"It's not that," Adrien huffed with a deeper frown, which soon turned into an impish grin, "I could have gotten to hold you all night long, so you could have slept better", he noted, not even trying to hide the glimmering, which sparkled in his green eyes.

Marinette blushed slightly at Adrien's words.

"I didn't want to wake you up. You needed to rest, Adrien. We don't know anything of miraculous holder's akumatization, so we better be extra careful with the after care," she reasoned.

"To be honest, I feel quite fine. Maybe it was all your loving that healed me so well?" Adrien winked his eye mischievously, making Marinette's blush deepen on her cheeks. She pretended she didn't feel the heat rising.

"Pe—perhaps," she kind of agreed, unable to find any proper thing to say back at him. Instead Marinette concentrated on her first sandwich.

Adrien followed her eating silently, a small smile on his lips. Soon Marinette noticed his stare, which didn't help her still lingering blush at all.

"What?" she mumbled mouth full of bread, looking timid.

"Oh, nothing. Just pondering how lucky I am," he sighed leaning against his elbows, eyes keenly at Marinette.

"Oh?" was the only thing she managed to say.

"Well, you know, having you here. Getting to spend time with you alone. I've been hunting the girl behind the mask for five years now," he corrected his statement when Marinette didn't get the first hint. He loved how she got that awkward look on her face, lips stammering.

"Well, you know yourself, Mr. Agreste," she tried to sound confident, pointing her spoon at Adrien, "I never imagined I'd find myself having a breakfast with my elementary high crush, who also turns out to be my partner in crime in the hero business, not to mention to sleep with him, but here I am. I think I'm the luckiest of us."

Adrien couldn't help his laugh at her statement, his white teeth flashing with the bubbly laughter.

"And tell this all to me without stuttering?" he added impishly, watching how Marinette paled. She started to hastily look for something to say, not to stutter, but failed in it miserably, reminding Adrien of how Marinette had used to be when they were at the school together.

The wingman visits by NiuNiette Where stories live. Discover now