Chapter 12: your suggestion lacks romance

Start from the beginning

"It was Marinette," the odd voice suddenly was back, startling Chat Noir. He jumped, turning around on his heels, but he saw nothing. A stinging pain shot through his head from right to left and he groaned, the small beads falling down on the floor.

"No, Marinette..." Chat moaned in pain, shaking as the buzzing sensation grew stronger behind his eyelid.

"Marinette broke the jewelry. You failed with your mission. She didn't believe in your love. Don't you see what she's doing? She's still pushing you away, abandoning you. Remember the sadness, remember the loneliness," the voice was loud and Chat Noir could feel aching muscles spasm all around his body.

He started to remember. Started to see in his head what had happened before he woke up. He had sat on the couch and the voice had told him the pained truth of Marinette not loving him. Not returning his love, not understanding how they were meant to be. Not really seeing how much he tried to win her true love.

Tears were slowly dwelling up to his eyes, mouth twisting into a painful sneer. The buzzing in his head grew heavier.

"You have to make sure she understands. She doesn't get it yet. You love her. More than your own life."

"Yes..." he hissed with trembling lips, pained, "she's my everything."

"And you are nothing to her!" the angry voice boomed in his head, shooting arrows of hurt squarely into Chat's chest. "She left you here alone and broke your precious necklace. You need to make sure she understands the depths of your feelings correctly!"

An uncontrolled anger and hatred began to whirl like a black cloud in Chat's chest by his words, his claws digging into his own scalp. Part of him could feel what was going on, what truly was happening, but he had no strength to resist it. All negativity, all bad things happened between him and Marinette, the thought of being left without her love and not being acknowledged by Marinette came pouring, pouring, pouring in with so violent force Chat couldn't do anything to stop them, the sane part in him screaming for mercy. With an agonized yell he threw his body backwards, a white granular energy surrounding him within seconds as the small particles danced on his body, slowly melting together into a white mat. His mind clouded with utter feel of loss, his heart aching bloodily for Marinette's love like he would die without it.

He let his hands drop down to his side with a dramatic arch, head still rolled backwards. He let out a deep exhale with the movements of his arms, slowly rising his head up when his fingertips touched his thighs. Slowly pair of purple eyes opened, a white mask ghostly illuminated with a purple tone.

"Kitty is back in the house", he purred to himself, a victorious sneer spreading over his mouth.

With a few swift movements Chat Blanc made his way out from the open window, managing to avoid public eye. This time he would seek his lady, his mate to be, and make sure no one would spot them until he had made everything right for both of them.

It was time for him and his lady to talk about some serious matters in private.

He chuckled at his own thoughts deep from his throat, bouncing up from the street level, beginning his feverish love hunt.

Marinette was sure her lungs would soon collapse if they wouldn't make it to the place of the helper soon, but Tikki just kept pointing her forward, asking her to run for more and more. She held her hood with her hand, hoping she wouldn't look to suspicious while circling around Parisian streets. Though her body was burning, the thought of Chat Noir needing her help gave her power to go forward without hesitation. She owned that much him.

"Just a little further, behind that yellow building," Tikki cheered Marinette and finally she realized where they were heading. It was the Chinese zen room and health clinic of the old Chinese man, Master Fu, whom Marinette had met a few times before. He wasn't well known in Paris but if anyone knew anything about miraculouses, it was him. Marinette trusted that if Tikki thought he could help them, then he would be able to do that.

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