Chapter 10: hello darkness my old friend

Start from the beginning

"It's alright now," he extended his hand towards her, but Marinette stood up in a one bounce, smacking his hand away.

"No it's not!" she sobbed out an angry hiss, eyes fiery.

"I—I'm sorry," Chat spluttered with a stammering voice. Marinette stepped closer to him furiously.

"I bet you did this because of the Ladybug. I know you love him and what would be better than figuring out I'm the Ladybug and then lure me in for your own joy," she howled out an accusation, tears running freely on her wet cheeks. "All those kisses and caresses, everything from Ladybug! Must have been fun!"

Chat lifted his hands up as a peace sign.

"I swear that's not true!" he tried, but Marinette didn't listen to him.

"Liar! You have wanted to get into Ladybug's pants since the first time we met!" she took breath in and wailed. "You have been leading me on both as Adrien and Chat Noir! How could you?! Is this some kind of a sick joke? Was it fun to laugh at me behind my back and feed me all that crap of the friendship with Adrien? Give me all those stupid hints of yourself and act as your own goddamn wingman, you stray alley cat!" her tears became bigger by every single shaky cry she shot at Chat Noir's horrified face.

"My macaron, I cross my heart and swear over my grave that's not the case," Chat's tone of voice rose up with the level of his desperation, his hands spreading to his sides. "You know I love you, Marinette, just as who you are! I'd never hurt you!"

"But you did!" Marinette let out a hopeless yell, burying her face into her palms and crying with a heart-breaking sob. "My heart hurts so much and it's all your fault."

"I swear I was planning to tell you...!" Chat's spoke shakenly, despair decorating his eyes.

"When?" her question was barely audible.

"As soon as I could have," was the best answer Chat could give to Marinette. He took a step closer to her and tried to touch her shivering shoulders, but she stepped away from his touch.

"I tried to give you hints and I asked you many times if you wanted to know who I am", he added, throat tight.

"You shouldn't have listened to me and just told me the truth!" her sob was more violent than the previous one.

"But your wishes are my commands!" Chat cried desperately, placing his hand over his chest to prove her that he was talking the truth.

Marinette's head shot up from her palms, her eyes full of hurt anger.

"Then I have a new wish for you," she hissed angrily, her crying turning into a rage of betrayal, big tears on her cheeks. "Leave! Don't show me your face anymore, ever, neither one of them!"

Chat's mouth opened in disbelief and shock, his eyes size of a two broken plates. He gasped for air, unable to say anything. Hastily he searched for something, some other answer, from Marinette's face. She watched him back like an ice queen, tears rolling.


Chat's eyes narrowed, turning as fiery and sad as Marinette's. He let out a strangled growl, fists clenching, teeth baring as he gritted his teeth together. Then he jumped over the hand trailing with a suffocated sobbing hiss, leaving Marinette alone, just like she had wished.

She dropped her head, hearing how Chat Noir left the building. All the emotions Marinette had suppressed down came pouring out and she cried, cried like never before, sliding down the floor.

Chat Noir rushed out from the backside of the gallery, avoiding the masses of people swarming around the crime scene and made his way up to the roof tops. The evening had slowly made its way over Paris's sky but this evening had nothing romantic in it. It was heart-breaking, soul stabbing, cold and aching. Empty.

The wingman visits by NiuNiette Where stories live. Discover now