Chapter 6: In company of a cat

Depuis le début

"You've been thinking about too much Adrien and forgotten everything! Marinette, you can't be so forgetful," she laughed, earning an apologetic tongue against the cheek-gesture from Marinette. Tikki spiraled closer to Marinette, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Or have you been thinking about someone else?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" Marinette's confusion was all over her face, but Tikki didn't buy this act.

"Chat Noir has been here quite often lately," she teased, narrowing her eyes knowingly.

"Th—That's not my fault," she defended herself a bit too dramatically, waving her arms around her in the air with a faint blush on her face. "Besides, isn't just normal that Chat Noir wants to hang around with Ladybug?" she tried.

"You are right, but that's-" Tikki didn't manage to finish her comment when Marinette's mother's voice called Marinette from downstairs.

"Coming!" she replied, jumping hastily out from her chair and leaving Tikki into her room, looking after Marinette with a small shook of her, decorated with a tiny smile.

Marinette couldn't remember when was the last time she was at home alone over the night. Her parents were basically grown into the bakery and hardly ever left anywhere. Sometimes she felt bad for her parents for being so busy, always working and working, and Marinette wished she could help them more with the bakery. Like, give them changes to go out to take care of their relationship or relax a bit, even when it wasn't a time for an anniversary of some sort.

She was lolling on the big couch, watching a movie and stuffing popcorn into her face, Tikki lying on top of the armrest on her stomach. On the table before the sofa different treats were spread over, from chips to soda and a few sweet leftover cake pieces, half of them already eaten. If there was something Marinette loved besides fashion and good rock 'n' roll, it was eating. A thought of Adrien's diet popped into her head, making her sad. She agreed with herself to bring something nice to eat to Adrien next time they would meet.

"Oh, I saw that coming!" Tikki yelled out loud, pointing at the screen when an important plotline from the thriller was revealed.

"Really? I didn't," Marinette mumbled mouth full of popcorn. "How did you figure it out?"

"Well, humans are very simple in the end. They pretty much act the same, always, so I just needed a bit of my kwami knowledge," Tikki explained proudly and Marinette laughed out loud so much that popcorns kept falling out from her mouth.

"Tikki! That's horrible boring! To know what happens next," she snickered.

Tikki took a look at her and sighed with a smirk.

"And it's not good manners to spit popcorns all-around your clothes and the floor," she laughed back at Marinette and for a moment both of them forgot the whole movie, just laughing at each other.

Until a loud bang echoed from the empty attic.

Both of the girls jumped with short screams in that instant. Marinette snatched the remote hastily, muting the TV and freezing with Tikki to listen. The house was empty and quiet, so quiet Marinette could hear her own breathing.

"Marinette..." Tikki whispered quietly, both of them looking at the direction of the sound.

Marinette waved her palm at Tikki, shushing her sharply. Then they heard another noise, which sounded like footsteps. Marinette readied herself, looking at Tikki.

"Get ready, I might need to transform," she hissed between her teeth as quietly as possible, body tense from head to toe.

"You think it's a robber?" Tikki tottered.

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