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"Alya, someone has come for you!"

Alya groaned as she opened her eyes, looking around and realizing that she had slept while doing her homework. Quickly she rubbed her eyes, closed her homework book and walked out of her room.

"Who is it?" She asked, her eyesight a little blurry. Her mother grabbed her by the shoulders and led her to the door. Alya widened her eyes, seeing who it was. "Oh hey, Kagami. What brings you here?"

Kagami held up her phone. "Can I come in? I got something."

Alya quickly nodded, letting her in. She led Kagami up to her room, closing the door and finally facing her. Alya was about to ask what she got, until she noticed how Kagami's face looked like.

"H-hey... You okay?"

Kagami looked up. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just Lila. She's getting to me. But that's not why I came here anyway. Yesterday I was walking at night to watch Ladybug and Chat Noir, and well..." Kagami turned her phone on, showing Alya the picture she had caught. "This happened."

Alya gasped at the picture. "Chat Noir... And Ladybug kissing? What?! When did Chat Noir and Marinette break up?!"

"That's the thing," Kagami put her phone back. "They never did."

Alya sighed as she sat down. "Nino was right. These two are going back to the way they were before. Chat Noir likes Ladybug, and Marinette likes Adrien."

"Actually," Kagami took a seat. "I'm pretty sure Marinette likes both Chat Noir and Adrien. When Chat Noir kissed her, she kissed him back."

Alya groaned. "Maybe she kisses him because they were still together. I mean.. I just... What is wrong with these two people?!"

Kagami shrugged. "I don't know, but... I think we should just tell them about their identities. They're just going to keep hurting each other when they don't know, and let's not forget that Lila is still around. She'll try her hardest to break these two, but if they know each other's identities, then Lila would be nothing to them."

Alya looked down, knowing she was right. "I just really thought that they would figure out by now. How stupid are they?!" She bit her lower lip as she gave it some thought. "I think... I think you're right, but we have to tell Nino, Nathalie, Plagg and Tikki first, to see who's against it. We'll all take a vote and see what we do from there."

Kagami nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

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arinette took a look at the paper; the paper she had wrote on a few weeks ago. The paper about Adrien being Chat Noir.

It makes sense though. Adrien said he likes Ladybug, and Chat Noir seems to like Ladybug as well, seeing as he kissed her... Well, me...

Marinette sighed. Doesn't any of them like me just as Marinette?!

She heard a knock on her window, interrupting her thoughts. Marinette gulped, knowing who it was; the only one that only came to her bakery through her window. She stood up anyway and walked up to it.

Giving Chat Noir a smile, she opened the window. Chat Noir only looked back at her with regret and guilt filling his eyes. He walked inside, and looked down at the floor.

"Hey," Marinette pulled him into a hug. He didn't hug back. Instead he gave her a guilty smile as he pushed her back.

"I have a confession to make."

"That you kissed Ladybug. Yeah, I know." Marinette looked away.

"How do... How do you know?"

"I... I saw it on my phone. Somebody tool a picture of it and posted it online," Marinette replied quickly. She wanted to just tell him that she was Ladybug... She wanted to have him stop worrying and stop thinking of himself as a cheater... But she was scared.

What if Chat Noir got mad at her, thinking that she was just playing him. Ladybug rejected him; it wouldn't make sense as to why Marinette would agree to date him. What if he thought that the whole thing had been a joke to her, and possibly start hating on her?

"Marinette... I'm so sorry. I swear, I didn't mean for it... To happen..." Chat Noir was looking down, avoiding eye contact with her. Looking at her face would just make him feel even more guilty for what he did.

Marinette didn't know what to say. She had a million questions in her head, she just didn't know which one to start with. Finally she looked up at Chat Noir. "But why? Why did you kiss her? I thought you said you had moved on from her..."

"I... I thought I did. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Marinette..."

Just tell him... Just tell him already.

"It's... I'm... Actually Chat Noir, I'm... I'm okay," Marinette walled back to her desk. "You can go now. Sorry, I have to gather my thoughts." And my courage.

Chat Noir nodded. He started walking back to the window to hop out. Before he did, he looked back at Marinette. "I... I would understand if you don't forgive me, Marinette. After all, what I did was unforgivable." He didn't have anything else to say after that, so he just hopped out.

Marinette rolled to her side on her bed, feeling guilty as well. Finally she climbed off her bed and picked up the paper about Adrien and Chat Noir.

Maybe it's fine I finally find out the truth!

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉 𝐼𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 (U̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ E̶d̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶)Where stories live. Discover now