Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday

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Authors Notes: Just wanted to put out there that I do not own these characters apart from Mia. I do not take credit for any parts so the story that isn't mine only the parts I have written.

Ever since Scott has been turned into a werewolf his birthdays have only gotten more and more hectic from what I have heard over the phone. Our parents split six years ago, Scott stayed with my mom in California and I went with my dad to Washington.
"Mia" Scott yelled when he seen me walk into my old house.

"Happy birthday bro" I said hugging him. He was smiling ear to ear.

"I know I just got here but I have a favour to ask" he let go to look at me.

"Yes of course" he said, making me smile hoping his answer will still be yes.

"Can I stay here for a while until I find myself a place" I asked smiling. His eyes went wide with excitement.

"Your moving back" he asked. "Mom is going to be thrilled" he added.

"Ya I told dad last night I was leaving, he was getting to much to handle. The late nights and him never being home didn't make sense for me to live there" I told Scott as he smiled while I talked.

There was a knock on the door, Scott went and opened it. There stood this dark haired man, tall, buff and very sexy. "What are u doing here Derek" Scott asked.

Derek looked passed Scott to look at me. "I um its ur birthday" he said smiling at Scott.

"Right come in" Scott said moving for Derek to come in.

"So ur the alpha" I asked walking up to Derek. I could tell Scott was watching him and me.

"And who are u" Derek asked with a smirk.

"Mia, Scott's older sister" I told him with a small smile.

Derek and I have been talking all night getting each other drinks. I was more tipsy then he was, werewolf thing I guess. Both of us went to my room with my brother noticing thanks Stiles. "So this is it" I said looking around at it still the same as I left it a little more girly then I'd like but I can change that.

"Scott has never mentioned you to me before" Derek said making eye contact.

"Maybe it was for a good reason" I said watching him get closer.

"And what reason would that be" he asked standing very close to me almost to close for comfort.

"This" I said and kissed him.

Derek pulled away and smiled. "Definitely the reason" he said and kissed me again.

"Hey what are you doing up here" Scott said walking into my room and looking at Derek.

"Scott relax I was just checking out my room when Derek was looking for the bathroom so I let him use mine" I lied, I was so used to lying to my father that I didn't notice who I was lying to.

"I don't want any guys up here and I'm sure mom doesn't ether" Scott said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be downstairs" Derek said as he started to walk out of my room.

"Actually you are leaving" Scott said looking over his shoulder. Derek stopped, I think he went to say something but left anyway.

Scott went to walk out of my room but I stopped him. "If I move back here can I not date people or even talk to guys" I asked with my arms crossed.

"You can date and talk to guys but just not him or any werewolf" Scott said. "You don't want to be like me or worse dead" he added then walked out.

This is ridiculous Scott can't tell me who and who not to date or talk too. Maybe I do like Derek even tho I have only known him a whole 2 hours. But I already know so much about him from Scott everything that has went on with Derek I know about. He just has to get to know everything about me.

My room is at the front of the house, I heard the front door close and foot steps on the pavement. Derek was walking to his car as I watched him out the window. He smiled at me and got in his car and drove off.
I was woken up to a loud bang on the wall and my mom yelling at Scott and Isaac. I got up and got dressed and walked out into the hallway to see Isaac still on the floor. Scott walked out of his room almost banging into me. "Where are you guys going" I asked as Isaac got up.

"School" Scott said as I should have know what he was talking about.

"Right, ya I forgot" I said touching my forehead then they both walked away from me. "Do you both want a ride" I asked.

"Sure" Scott said looking at Isaac who nodded his head.

Beacon Hills High School wasn't that far from our house, I remember driving past it almost every day to go to the younger schools. Scott and Isaac got out and told me when to pick them up.

As I was driving I soon noticed my gas tank was almost empty. I drove around using the last bit of gas trying to find a gas station in this town. I got out and started to pump my gas when someone came from behind and slid his hand across mine and whispered in my ear. "I got it" with hot breath going down my neck making me shiver. Derek.

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