I honestly couldn't believe it. None of us had a clue that had happened.


That afternoon Tommy got a text. "Tommy and Georgia it's time to leave the villa for your final date. #beautyandtheboxer."

We interpreted the text to be a beauty and the beast theme so I borrowed one of Belle's yellow dresses.

"You look amazing

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"You look amazing." Tommy said as I walked down the stairs, where I found him holding a rose. "This is for you."

"Thank you."

"Shall we go my lady?"

"We shall."

A car arrived to take us to the date and we arrived at what looked like an old church, the floor and walls were all made of marble and a table was set out for us in the middle.

"This is amazing." I was amazed as Tommy pulled out a chair and then sat opposite me. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. This really does look amazing."

"Quite a fitting way to end our Love Island experience. This summer has actually been amazing you know. I never expected to actually meet someone like you and you're actually been everything I ever wanted and more."

"I could say exactly the same to you. Everyday I just want to make you smile and have a good time and I think I do that. I mean everyday I see a smile on your face and that just makes me smile."

"You do make me so happy."

"So I was thinking on the outside how would you like to move in with me. I know we toyed with the idea before and thought it wouldn't work but I believe it could."

"But what about uni and your boxing..."

"We'd just make it work. I can box from anywhere, all I need is a good studio and a team around me which I can relocate. I just can't imagine being without you for such long periods of time."

"No I can't either. But you do know I'm not expecting you to do this, I'm not going to be offended if you don't want to spend as much time with me on the outside."

"No I genuinely want to, I just want to wake up next to you everyday and share moments like this together."

"That's so sweet." I leaned over the table to give him a kiss. "I'd love to move in with you."

"Good. I think this is so surreal. Like I sometimes forget that we're both so young because age doesn't really matter. We've both just found what we're looking for."

"Exactly. Meeting each other at a young age just means we can spend more time together."

"Are you excited to meet my family?" He asked. "I'm actually pretty excited to meet yours."

"I'm a bit nervous really. I always think it's nervy to meet a boyfriends family, especially the Mum."

"Yeah I am close with my mum and she can be a bit protective but I'm sure she'll love you."

"I'll just have to take her shopping and get to know her a bit better."

"She would like that, you've just got to show an interest in her."

"I'll definitely try and make an effort."

"That's all I can ask for. Now would you care to join me for a dance."

"Of course I will."


We arrived back in the villa and everyone immediately took us around the fire pit to tell them all about it.

"It was just amazing like the scenery was all grand and posh." I said. "Then the good was just unreal and we finished it all off with a dance."

"What did you talk about?" Anton asked.

"We just talked about the future and what we're going to do on the outside." Tommy summarised. "It was just a nice way to end our time in here together."

"It was." Belle then got a text.

"Islanders tonight you will each vote for another couple you should be dumped from the island. You should now discuss who you're going to choose and why in your couples. You must not discuss your decision with anyone else. The couples with the most votes risk being dumped from the island tonight."

"Take my emotions from a high to a low."

"That's just rude."

Tommy and I went over to the swing to discuss.

"Right So first Curtis and Maura, we can't vote for them." Tommy said. "He's my best friend and she's a good friend of yours."

"Yeah. We also can't go got Greg and Amber because she's been a great friend to me and she's been so happy these past few weeks."

"It has been great to see a smile back on her face."

"Exactly. I mean they're what this show is about, she's had a tough time in here but has come out the other side better for it."

"With Ovie and India they're so new." Tommy said. "But I can see they're made for each other and they both seem so happy"

"Mm. They do seem happy."

"With Belle and Anton they are very happy and I think we can all see that, but they have shown reasons to have doubts over them. I mean they had that massive argument." Tommy said.

"I just don't know if it would work on the outside between those two, I mean they admitted they didn't like how the other handled it."

"I think we have to vote for those two."

"Yeah we do have to go for who has the best chance of working on the outside."

"So I'll text them Belle and Anton."

"Just do it."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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