Jude looks shocked or impressed (I'm not really sure which one) that I've bypassed him and not gotten him to post them like planned but I know he's In cahoots with Kayla. Why would I have my plan sabotaged because you're sleeping with her? Do I look like an idiot?

"Ew," Vivian utters with a gasp like it's the first time she's seen it.

"You really did this Kayla?" One of the juniors asked

Vivian kicks Quinton who's turning his phone to look at it in another angle. For a guy who wants Vivian to be his girlfriend, he sure is doing a bad job.

"And Regina's the slut?" Ethan mentions before picking up his drink and sipping. I have to tell him later that slut shaming is not okay.

"You're not speaking," I note looking at Kayla who is just glaring at me, "Oh right, sorry it's not good for your reputation."

Her eyes dart to Caleb, "You're going to let her do this to me?"

I let out a laugh, "When are you going to get it? He doesn't care about you." I say lightly, "You were literally begging for it and he still said no! You think he'll help you now?"

Her eyes flared wit anger because she knows I'm right. It's in the depths of her eyes but she doesn't want to accept it. "You're a fucking bitch." She screeches, "You think this will make everyone forget that you killed someone?"

"I never said that. What I did say is that you don't want to mess with me. So consider this a warm up, I can make your life very difficult if you continue."

"Yes you keep threatening to kill me but I'm still here." She replies, "You're just a little bitch who-"

"Kayla, that wasn't a threat." Quinton interjects, "It was a promise."

Paulette rolls her eyes, "She's got you too, Q? She got a magic vagina or something?"

I was taken back by Paulette's comment. She must be hanging out with someone that's making her talk like that.

"Keep running your mouth and you can get it too, Paulette." I warn her and she sits back in her chair like the little punk she is.

"And actually," Quinton responds, "We met someone that Regina knows from jail and I can confirm that she has those kind of people lined up."

"Who's we?" Paulette asks

"Jude, Viv, Regina, Caleb and I." Quinton replies

"You guys went out without us?" She questions with a little disappointed in her tone.

"Is that all you took from that?" Vivian asks, "God you're dumb."

"It was just a quick juice and we ran into one of her associates." Jude answers and I almost laugh at the associates name, "Then we went home. Well, Caleb and Regina went home together."

What is this guy playing at?
It's almost like he's trying to make everyone believe that there's something going on with Caleb and I so he could stay with Kayla. God knows why but maybe he really does like her and she's stuck on Caleb.

Ethan choked on his drink and one of the juniors helped pat his back

I rolled my eyes at my brothers theatrics, "You saw me go into my room alone, dumb ass."

"After she sucked him off on the car probably." Kayla uttered

This is how Kayla works. Deflecting what has just come to light and trying to make me look bad.

"That didn't happen cause I'm not begging for it like you are." I retort, "Don't you get tired of constant disappointment? It's not the first time you've done that and he continues to turn you down. Don't you respect yourself?"

Her face stays cold and she looks like she's going to say something to defend herself but instead she gets up and leaves. This time Paulette stays behind and Jude gets up to follow her.

"He's really not hiding anything." Caleb mutters and I can't help but agree.

I slump back into my chair, finally able to lower my guard and Caleb puts his arm around my shoulders. For some reason when he does that it just feels natural.

"You know she's not 18 yet so that's child pornography." He whispers in my ear and I nod my head.

"She's not smart enough to sue." I reply. He hums in response as I put my head on his shoulders.

"So what are we doing for Halloween?" Quinton asks as the room calms down a little.

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